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Если ни один запрос у вас не продвинется в Топ10 за месяц, то в SeoHammer за бустер вернут деньги.Задание № 2 Характеристика личности коррекционного педагога ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6
The most important devil of the nature of the special teacher emerge: - a social need for contact with child; in mastering by special knowledges, skills and skill; constant renewing their own professional data; - social and pedagogical directivity - a social activity, interest to professions, faithfulness pedagogical interest, creative activity in work, confidence in get prettier the result of its work, responsiblity, adherence to principle; - an attitude to alumnus - a kindness, humanism, honesty, fairness, probity, - an intellectual line - attentiveness, keenness of observation, well developed memory, thinking, pedagogical curiosity; - a volitional line - a self-confident-control, centrality of purpose, decisiveness; - an emotional line - stability emotion, skill it is correct to express to emotions; - a professional quality - a pedagogical tact, presence of the special formation, pedagogical skill, education, pedagogical probity and honesty. Задание №3 Резюме моей магистерской работы на тему: «Склонность к виктимному поведению умственно отсталых подростков» I write scientific work to subjects: " Aptitude to behaviour of the victim teenager with mental backwardness". Urgency of my work in that that: Presently problem to socializations of the people with mental backwardness very important. Adaptation of such people passes in a complicated way. She is complicated their particularity. The high level внушаемости refer To such inspire particularity. Vnushaemosti influences upon behaviour teenager, so that they can not check its behaviour themselves. The Breaches of the intellect lead breaches of the behaviour for itself. The Teenager can not value the dangerous situation. Can Not her(its) avoid. This reasons of the behaviour of the victim. The Behaviour of the victim - a detour from normal behaviour, when many factors (psychic, social and moral) influence that person falls victim. The Reason of the behaviour of the victim emerges the crisis an 14-17 years. Since this age - a period of the internal emotional difficulties. The Object of my study - an aptitude as a part to directivities to personalities. The Subject of my work - an aptitude to behaviour of the victim mentally retarded teenager. The Purpose of the study: Study to aptitudes to behaviour of the victim teenager with mental backwardness and development psychological recommendation for correction such behaviours. Problems of the study: 1. Give the determination to directivities to personalities and aptitudes as her(its) part. 2. The Analysis theory on problem of the behaviour of the victim. The Determination of the particularities of the behaviour of the victim beside teenager with mental backwardness. 3. Form the program of the study on subject. 4. Install the relationship to aptitudes to behaviour of the victim and psychological particularities of the person. 5. Develop the psychological recommendations for blok such behaviours. Practical value of the study consists in that that the results of the study can be used in work with teenager for preventive maintenance of the behaviour of the victim. In study were an used methods of the discovery to aggressivenesses, aptitudes, alerts, confidences. I conducted the studies in two groups podrostkov. in the first group have got the teenager with mental backwardness. This is a main group. In the second group pupils usual schools such age. This is a checking comparative group.In each group is organized program of the study, which we have formed. On result of the study are formed tables, schemes, graphs. The psychological recommendations were designed On result of my study for preventive maintenance of the behaviour of the victim amongst teenager with mental backwardness. I can do following findings: The Analysis of the literature has installed that directivity this steadfast system motive behaviours to personalities. The Aptitude - one of the manifestations spheres motive to personalities. The Aptitude reveals itself in preference of some type to activity or behaviours. Also us is determined a notion of the behaviour of the victim. This is a steadfast feature to personalities falls victim external factor surrounding ambiences. After undertaking program of the study, which we have developed, we became known: The Teenager with mental backwardness prone to aggressive and uncritical behaviour of the victim.