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1. Ilesheva R.G. Psychiatry – Almaty, “Bilim”, 1995 – 256-p. 2. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual). 3. Handbook of practical psychologist. In 2 volumes. Book 1: System of psychologist’s work with children of different ages: teaching manual / Ye.E. Rogov. – М.: Publishing House Vlados-Press, 2006. -383 p. 4. Special psychology: Teaching manual for HEI students/ A.I. Lubovskiy, T.V. Rozanova, L.I. Soltseva. – 3rd edition. – М.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2006. – 464 p. 5. Great psychological dictionary.Т1(А-О) / Author: Reber Boskis R.M. The Deaf and hard of hearing children. М., 1993. 6. Problems of surdopedagogy: Histroy and modern times: collection of scientific and methodological works / Edited by Ye.G. Rechitskaya. М., 2001. 7. Educational work in the boarding school for deaf children / Edited by S.A. Zykova. М., 1963. 8. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Collected works: in6vol.M., 1983. Vol. 2. 9. Vygotsky L.S. Fundementals of defectology.М., 1995. 10. Diagnostics and correction of psychological delay in children: manual for teachers and specialists of correctional and developing education/ Edited by S.G. Shevchenko.-2ndedition. - М.: ARKTI, 2004. - 224 p. 11. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993. 12. Dyachkov A.I. Education of deaf children: Historical and pedagogical researches. М., 1997 13. Zikeyev A.G. Hard-of-hearing learners’ speech development.М., 1974. 14. Psychology and teacher.Translation of professional activity from English.- М., UNITY, 2003 15. Psychology and pedagogy.Teaching manual for universities. Edited by A.A. Radugina, - М., 2006 16. Art pedagogy and art therapy in special education. Textbook for students / Ye. А. Medvedeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, L.N. Komissarova, T.A.Dobrovolskaya. — M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2001. — 248 p. 17. Kumarova M. Course of business vocabulary of English language. – M., -1999 18. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages 19. Goldenkov M.A. Modern business and conversational English [Text] /M.A. Goldenkov.- Minsk: Asar; M: Modern-A, 2005. 20. Golitsynskiy Yu.B. Spoken English: Tutorial on speaking skills [Text] / Yu.B.Golitsynskiy. - SPb.: CARO, 2006. 21. Intermediate Student’s Book.– Oxford University Press, 2004. 22. Multimedia training programs: English Discoveries Оnline (EDO), English Discoveries Expert (EDE) 23. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008. 24. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., AgrevtsevaT. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.
Internet resources: 1. https://www.lingvo-online.ru/ru/Translate/en-ru/clutter 2. https://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2415/Severe-Multiple-Disabilities-Education-individuals-With.html 3. https://speechtherapy.ygoy.com/2010/09/26/famous-people-with-aspergers/ 4. https://www.e-reading.by/book.php? book=72414 5. https://www.ranker.com/list/famous-blind-people/celebrity-lists? page=2 6. https://www.psychguides.com/guides/behavioral-disorder-symptoms-causes-and-effects/ 7. https://www.psychology.com/resources/child_behavior.php 8. https://www.healthyplace.com/neurodevelopmental-disorders/intellectual-disability/types-of-intellectual-disabilities-list-and-examples/ 9. https://www.english-online.at/society/braille/braille-language-for-blind-people.htm 10. https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Lev_Vygotsky 11. https://www.bgcenter.com/Fundamentals.htm 12. https://www.marxists.org/archive/vygotsky/works/1929/defectology/ 13. https://books.google.by/books? id=E_UxpP4hzz0C& hl=ru& source=gbs_navlinks_s