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The British State System

Great Britain is a state of the constitutional monarchy. That means that at the head of the state is monarch (Queen or King). But the power of the monarch is not absolute, it is greatly limited by parliament.

The British state system comprises three main ruling bodies -monarchy, parliament and government.

The monarchy, which is the most ancient institution in the U K, goes back to the 9th century. The monarch is the head of the execu­tive, an integral part of the legislature and the head of the judiciary. However, the monarch can only act on the advice of the ministers and parliament. That's why it is often said that the monarch reigns but does not rule. The powers of the monarch are to summon, pro­rogue and dissolve parliament, to make appointments to important state offices, to dismiss top officials, to conclude and cancel trea­ties, to declare war and to make peace.

Parliament is also an ancient institution dating from the begin­ning of the 13th century. It is the supreme legislative body of the UK.

The major functions of Parliament are legislating bills, raising money through taxation, examining government policy, and debat­ing important political issues.

British Parliament is made up of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons, The members of the House of Lords are not elected. They sit in Parliament because they have in­herited their seats from their fathers or have titles.

The House of Commons is elected by universal suffrage for a term of five years.

The government that is responsible for administration ofnational affairs represents the Executive.

The modern government is a body of over a hundred ministers and other officials arranged in about fifteen departments. New de­partments may be created, others may be abolished and functions may be transferred from one minister to another.

Unit 7

I. The Social Profile and State Structure


Britain is a founder member of the United Nations' and one of the five permanent members of the Security Councilг. Britain is fully com­mitted to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Britain is a member of the European Union3. Notes on the Text 1 the United Nations (theUN) - Организация Объединенных Наций 1 the Security Council -Совет Безопасности 1 the European Union- Европейский Союз Vocabulary List

State System — система государствен­ной власти

constitutional monarchy — конституци­онная монархия

monarch n — монарх

queen n — королева

king n — король

absolute adj - абсолютный

parliament n — парламент

comprise v — включать

ruling body — орган управления

ancient adj — древний

the executive n — исполнительная власть

integral part — неотъемлемая часть the legislature «- законодательная власть

the judiciary " — судебная власть reign v — царствовать rule v - править

summon v — созывать (парламент) prorogue v — назначать перерыв в ра­боте парламента

dissolve v - распускать парламент make appointments -делать назначения dismiss у—освобождать от должности

conclude a treaty - заключить дога вор cancel а treaty — аннулировать договор declare war — объявлять войну make peace — заключать мир supreme legislative body - высший за­конодательный орган legislate bills — издавать законы chamber n — палата (парламента) the House of Lords — палата лордов the House of Commons - палата общин elect v — выбирать, избирать inherit v — наследовать universal suffrage - всеобщее избира­тельное право

term n — срок, срок полномочий department и — зд. министерство abolish v — ликвидировать, упразд­нять

transfer v- зд. переводить, передавать функции

founder n — основатель

permanent member — постоянный член

be committed to - быть привержен­ным чему-л.

charter n - хартия, устав


• Read Text В and give answers to the questions.

1. What does the constitutional monarchy mean?

2. What bodies does the British state system consist of?

3. How old is the monarchy in the UK?

4. What role does the monarch play?

5. What specific powers does the monarch have?

6. What is the supreme legislative body of the UK?

7. How do the House of Commons and the House of Lords differ?

8. What body is responsible tor the administration of national affairs?

9. Who are the ministers and the prime minister appointed by?
10. What organisations is the UK a member of?

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