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Ex. 18. a) Read the text aloud.

b) Luok up the words you do nut know in the dictionary.


I. The Social Profile and State Structure


c) Translate the italicised sentence, underline the subject of Ihe sentence with one line
and the predicate with two lines.

D) Explain (in writing) why America was and remains a mobile nation.

E) Pick out the sentences describing the American Dream.

American Population

1. From its very beginning as a nation the population of the USA has been
moving westwards expanding America's territory for future generations.

2. This experience had a deep and lasting influence on the American char­
acter and the way of life. It strengthened the spirit of independence, self-
reliance and self-confidence. It helped to develop a characteristic that has
been frequently noted among Americans. In bad times and good they tend
to move easily from one part of the country to another trying to find a
once-in-a-iifetime opportunity.

3. In spite of economic and social changes America remains a highly mobile

4. Between 1975-1980, 45 percent of the nation's families changed their
residence. In the course of one year (1983-1984) alone, some 39 million
Americans moved to a different house.

5. Two million young people cross slate lines each year to go to college and
most do not return to settle.

6. There are two noticeable demographic trends: the population moves from
the North and East to the South and West, then the population moves
from rural to urban areas. Now about three quarters of Americans live in
urban areas.

7. Some people like the movement because they have a chance to get to know
different parts of the country, a chance to escape frustration. And more im­
portantly they have a chance to broaden economic opportunities and to
realise the American Dream, the dream that every citizen has a chance to
own a business, to he a boss for himself and to become rich by working hard.

8. Americans believe that it is in private business thai American ideals of free
competition, individual freedom and equality of opportunity have their high­
est level of expression.
Thus, there are a lot of small businesses.

9. In America there exists a legend of the boy who rose " from rags to riches"
and realised the American Dream. Although Americans are likely to be
more skeptical about such stories today, the image of the entrepreneur
who " makes it on his own" still continues to inspire many. A lot of them
change not only their jobs, they change careers during their lifetime in
search of success in business.

Ex. 19. a) Read the text and fill each gap with a suitable word from the box. b) Look up the words you do not know in the dictionary, c) Write what new information about Great Britain you have learnt from the text.


constitution appointed member power issues laws
relationship legislative consists reigns head  
constitutional ministers Union house name  

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