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Nouns not normally countable in English

accommodation chaos furniture luggage permission travel
advice damage information machinery progress wealth
baggage equipment jewelry money scenery weather
behavior evidence luck news traffic work


· But: It is possible to say works” when it means «труды» (the works of Plato and Aristotel)

· They are not used with “a”, or with numbers.

Political behavior is studied by political scientists.

· Uncountable nouns are used with “the” when they refer to something that is specified or known.

A polity is a system of social organization centered upon the machinery of government.

· Some uncountable nouns end in “- s ” but are actually singular and take singular verbs. They refer to:

subjects of study: economics politics statistics mathematics physics
activities: athletics gymnastics      
games: darts cards      
illnesses: measles mumps      

Politics is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live.

· But when the reference is specific, the verb must be plural.

Their statistics are extremely helpful(статистические данные).

2. Is the form of a noun correct?

Singular Plural
politician politician s (most count nouns have an - s”)
class; box; watch; dish; gas class es; box es; watch es; dish es; gas es (after “ -ss”, “-x”, “-ch”, “-sh’, ‘-s” we add “-es” ending)
photo; piano photo s; piano s (some nouns ending in “-o” add “-s”)
hero; potato hero es; potato es (some nouns ending in “-o” add “-es”)


· Some common nouns have irregular plurals.

woman-women tooth-teeth
man-men foot-feet
child-children mouse-mice


· Note the following nouns, which have irregular spelling in the plural:

Singular   Plural
alumna бывшая студентка alumnae
alumnus бывший студент alumni
analysis анализ (разбор) analyses
bacterium бактерия bacteria
basis базис bases
′ bureau/ bu′ reau бюро, отдел, управление, bureaus/bureaux
′ caput голова (на душу населения) capita (per capita)
crisis кризис crises
criterion критерий criteria
curriculum курс обучения, учебный план curricula
datum данная (величина) data *
medium средство media *
memorandum меморандум memoranda
phenomenon явление phenomena
stratum слой (общества) strata


· Exports, imports (количество или стоимость вывезенных или ввезенных товаров) take a plural verb but export, import (процесс ввоза или вывоза) are singular.

· Note that dozen and score have the same plural and singular form if they go after the numeral: two dozen (of) eggs, three score (of) years (but scores / dozens of people).

· When a noun is used as an adjective, it takes a singular form.

Political science has been developed for 2, 500 years.

This is a 2, 500- year development of political science.

· Collective nouns (crowd, firm, team, group, etc.) refer to an entire group. When these are groups of people we often think of them as a number of people (=”they”), not as one thing (=”it”). So we often use a plural verb:

The staff at the firm (=they) are not happy with outside consultants.

· When a noun indicates a period of time, a sum of money, or a measurement, it takes a singular verb.

Two weeks is not enough time to study politology.

Ten dollars is not enough to meet the needs of a family.

· Goods (товар), clothes (одежда), riches (богатство), proceeds (выручка), wages (заработная плата), contents (содержание) normally occur only in the plural and are followed by a plural verb.

Some consumer goods, such as, food, do not last for a long time.


Exercise 1

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