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_________________________________________ Concepts, models and theories are the tools... political analysis. However, as with most things... politics, the analytical tools must be used with care. First, let us consider concepts. A concept is a general idea... something, usually expressed... a single word or a short phrase. It is no exaggeration to say that our knowledge... the political world is built... through developing and refining concepts that help us make sense of that world. Concepts, in that sense, are the building blocks... human knowledge. Models and theories are broader than concepts; they comprise a range... ideas rather than a single idea. A model [4] is usually thought... as a representation of something, usually... a smaller scale, as... the case of a doll's house or a toy airplane. In this sense, the purpose of the model is to resemble the original object as faithfully as possible. A paradigm is,... a general sense, a pattern or model that highlights relevant features... a particular phenomenon, rather... the manner of an ideal type. The terms theory [5] and model are often used interchangeably... politics. Theories and models are both conceptual constructs used as tools... political analysis. However, strictly speaking, a theory is a proposition. It offers a systematic explanation... a body of empirical data. In contrast, a model is merely an explanatory device; it is more like a hypothesis that has yet to be tested. In that sense, in politics, while theories can be said to be more or less 'true', models can only be said to be more or less 'useful'. Clearly, however, theories and models are often interlinked: broad political theories may be explained... terms of a series of models. For example, the theory... pluralism encompasses a model of the state, a model of electoral competition, a model of group politics, and so on.
One of the most influential models in political analysis is the model of the political system developed by David Easton. This can be represented diagrammatically (see Figure 1).
Fig. 1The political system A system is an organized or complex whole, a set of interrelated and interdependent parts that form...(1).... In the case of the political system,...(2)... exists between what Easton calls ' inputs ' and ' outputs '. Inputs into the political system consist of demands and supports from the general public....(3)... can range from pressure for...(4)..., improved employment prospects, and more generous welfare payments to greater protection for minority and individual rights....(5)..., on the other hand, are ways in which the public contributes to the political system by...(6)..., offering compliance, and being willing to participate in public life. Outputs consist of the decisions and actions of...(7)..., including the making of policy, the passing of laws, the imposition of taxes, and...(8).... Clearly, these outputs generate 'feedback', which in turn shapes further demands and supports. The key insight offered by Easton's model is that the political system tends towards long-term equilibrium or...(9)..., as its survival depends on outputs being brought into line with inputs. However, it is vital to remember that...(10)... are merely devices for drawing out understanding; they are not...(11).... In the case of Easton's model, for example, political parties and interest groups are portrayed as 'gatekeepers', the central function of which is...(12)... into the political system.