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Нашли самый бюджетный и оптимальный вариант: сервис VisitTime.⚡️ Для новых пользователей первый месяц бесплатно. А далее 290 руб/мес, это в 3 раза дешевле аналогов. За эту цену доступен весь функционал: напоминание о визитах, чаевые, предоплаты, общение с клиентами, переносы записей и так далее. ✅ Уйма гибких настроек, которые помогут вам зарабатывать больше и забыть про чувство «что-то мне нужно было сделать». Сомневаетесь? нажмите на текст, запустите чат-бота и убедитесь во всем сами! Vocabulary. G 1. advantage 2. disadvantage, limitation 3
Speech Patterns
² Phonetic Drill Exercise 1. Read the following words. Pay attention to their pronunciation. - capacity, expand, comparison; - various, air, compare, care; - application, special, propulsion, machine; - mixture, feature, actually, approach; - majority, engine, jet, project; - liquid, equivalent, quality, quantity.
Exercise 2. Phonetic exercises. - Listen to the words from the text. - Read the words repeating them after the speaker. - Read the words using the transcription. - Read the words without using the transcription.
§ Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word – combinations. A. - air-breathing engine, type of an air-breathing engine, the simplest type of air-breathing engines; - wide application, wide application in aviation, wide application in military aviation; - fuel consumption, high fuel consumption, low fuel consumption, turbojets’ high fuel consumption; - rocket engine, liquid-propellant rocket engine, modern liquid-propellant rocket engine, solid-propellant rocket engine. - complete supply, fuel supply system, oil supply system, rocket propulsion system; - gas turbine engine, pilotless military weapons, fuel - air mixture, auxiliary power plant, conventional power plant; - high speed military aircraft, low speed military aircraft, large multi-engine aircraft, high pressure gases. B. - flight time, wing design, engine characteristics, helicopter engine, pressure rise, cooling system; - aircraft wing load, shaft rotation speed, ballistic rocket trajectory, aircraft steam engine, better engine performances, gas turbine installation, turbine inlet temperature; - solar ultra-violet radiation, high temperature and high-pressure gases, a nine-pressure compressor, high thrust-to-weight ratio, improved supersonic specific fuel consumption.