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Industry and Agriculture


Study a list of the following words and circle the most difficult or unknown words from the list below. Then ask your partner to explain these words.

Produce, markets, slums, shipyards, economy, products, boom, export, plants, natural resources, import, livestock, harvest, crops, irrigate, agricultural, fertilizers, farmers, self-sufficient, dams, fertile,



Exercise № 68. Put a correct word in its place in the passage below.


The health of a large, developed country’s …depends largely on its industry and self-sufficient agriculture. Factories have to keep busy. They must …and sell their …in large quantities. …must make and sell ships; car …have to make and sell cars. A period of industrial success, when everything goes well and large profits are made, is called a … On the other hand, a period when there isn’t much industrial activity in the country, is called a … maintaining a high level of production is not that simple. For example, Japan is a very successful industrialized country, and it has very few …such as gas, oil or coal. Therefore, it has to …them from other countries in order to keep its industry going, and thus to supply needs at home and also to …its goods to its overseas …


Exercise № 69. Explain the difference between …

  1. a mine and a quarry;
  2. a producer and a consumer;
  3. an oilfield and an oil refinery;
  4. to plough and to sow


Exercise № 70. This time you need to compose some sentences of your own about industrialization of Russia. Don’t forget to use new words in your sentences.


Exercise № 71. Translate following sentences into English using new words.


1. Строительство Байкало-Амурской Магистрали способствовало дальнейшему развитию транспортной, промышленной и социальной инфраструктуры Советского Союза. Это строительство было очень трудным, и советская молодежь в поисках романтики успешно справилась с ним. 2. Весь западный мир с большим интересом следил за новыми достижениями Советского Союза. 3. В период 1930 годов Советский Союз создал и ввел в эксплуатацию тысячи новых крупных промышленных комплексов и заводов. Это был настоящий экономический бум. 4. Крестьяне могли продавать свои излишки на рынке. 5. В условиях НЭП государственные предприятия могли бы стать максимально выгодными и свободными в выборе своих собственных экономических решений. 6. Медленное возрождение промышленности могло бы возложить серьезные проблемы на крестьянство, которое насчитывало 80 процентов населения. 9. Большое число промышленных комплексов, таких как Магнитогорск и Кузнецк, автозаводы Москвы и Горького, Харьковский, Сталинградский и Челябинский тракторные заводы были построены и введены в эксплуатацию.


Role Game:


3. Imagine that you are the Minister of Industry in 2006. You need to issue a governmental recommendation to all leading industrial enterprises to encourage self-efficient development. Make a list of four the most important (from your point of view) matters you would like to concentrate the attention on.

4. Your classmates decide on alternative matters to instruct as if s/he is the General Director of an Industrial Enterprise.


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