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Riots and Gazavat


The Russian army left Khiva leaving only a small garrison for security reason. Similar separate divisions were located almost in all cities of khanate. Life in Tashkent flew pending unpredictable. All began from excitements in Koqand Khanate. In the meantime on a throne in Koqand came Nasreddin-bek who soon appeared a toy in hands of nobles and clergy. The last raved idea gazavat - «sacred war contra incorrect» who were Russians. Receptions to which fanatical followers of prophet Mahomet resorted were not new. Goers and secret agents appeared in the cities occupied with the Russian army. They started talking on market squares about atrocities which ostensibly repaired Russian. Behind them the loop of bloody acts was pulled: strikes on post stations, on caravans of Russian merchants. Fine injections were replaced with open attacks on Russian garrisons. For three day small group of defenders of Hodzhent reflected furious attacks, and it wouldn’t be known if Mikhail Skobelev didn’t appear in time to the aid. He suddenly struck on rebels, forced them with the big losses to recede from the city. It was like the bolt from the blue to the Koqandis.

By this victory the war could be finished, but warrious Abdurrahman Khan, the talented leader of Kipchaks, made a pray in Mecca and decided to battle up to the end. Fanatical and ambitious, he staked not only calmness of extensive territory, but also thousand lives of simple Koqandi, Kipchaki, and Karakirgiz, involved by him in operations.

The Koqand campaign conditionally could be divided into two stages - autumn and winter. August, 21 Russian armies fastened a fight at kishlak Karakchikum. The opponent was taken back with a surprise. Koqandi, got used to operate with a mass attack, were taken aback, when invisible force broken off and swept their lines. Mikhail Skobelev as if he were a real gunner, gave an order to set guns on a straight fire. After such impressive artillery fire, using panic among his enemies completed his route. August, 22 almost fifty thousand army of Koqandi concentrated at the city of Mahrame. The Russian armies already had sufficient fighting experience, and the superiority in strength conceded the organization and skilful interaction of arms of the service. Despite of desperate resistance, on the district flooded before strengthening, heavy fire, Mikhail Skobelev with a group of soldiers rushed into the city. His yellow mark rushed on a field of battle, as if a whirlwind. Wounded right at the beginning of the battle in a leg, he did not tear from a horse about that minute while the opponent ceased to resist. Thirty nine guns and nine hundred captured got to the winners. And it was the break in the weather of war.

The population of cities opened the gates and met Russian with gifts and welcome. The participant of that campaign Lieutenant Colonel Maiev recollected: «the Trust of the population to Russian army was full». In Koqand Constantine Kaufman signed a Peace Treaty with Nasreddin Khan. The peace treaty added the right coast of the Syr-Darya River and Namangan joined the Turkestani governorship.

Russian armies left Koqand. And again aggressive appeals heated conditions, and «sacred war» was developed with a new force. Using tactics of sudden strikes, groups of Koqand riders fairly annoyed Russian garrisons. The patience had a limit and soon Constantine Kaufman charged General - Major V.N.Trotskiy to finish with attacks. Mikhail Skobelev duties of the Chief of a staff were assigned and the experience of Mikhail Skobelev was useful. In most cases he had to conduct usual investigation and frequently he developed them into successful battles. So happened, for example, near Andizhan. In October, the first group of V. Trotsky on shoulders of the opponents rushed into the city. Neither density of constructions, nor narrow streets, high wall fences could keep an impulse. Andizhan fell. In October of 1875 Mikhail Skobelev was promoted to the rank of General - Major, it was awarded with a cavalry sabre with an inscription «For bravery».

Being a General-Major Mikhail Skobelev had to act in a role of the Chief-Commander. He coped with it excellently, and beaten off uncountable number of attacks of rebels and put them into a lot of serious defeats. It would be wrong to attribute victories only to the luck of Mikhail Skobelev as his actions were carefully calculated and excellent knowledge of the opponent, speed of acceptance of decisions prevailed.

He rushed the first into the thickness of Koqandis where only masterly possession of a horse and a sabre was capable to keep life. With such courageous military leader up to despair it was necessary to win! His defense and fury by which fanatical Moslems were possessed, did not confuse neither superior force of the opponent, nor strong measures of Koqandis. Mikhail Skobelev invariably appeared on a battlefield on the white horse and dressed in the white form, and his believe to the fate, about which else it was necessary to tell, was at all at anything.

But in eyes of superstitious Koqandis Mikhail Skobelev was looking blessed from bullets by God. So gradually the special aura began to surround the name of Mikhail Skobelev and even in the most remote settlements people knew about the Russian military leader.

Under the decree of Tsar of February, 18, 1876 the Koqand Khanate was abolished, and its territory was transformed to the Ferghana area which became a part of the Turkestani General - Governorship. The first governor of area and the chief of the armies which were settled down in its limits was appointed Mikhail Skobelev.

The Governor of Office of Turkistan General Andrei Gomzin, in which hands there were personnel moving, with a fear spoke to Constantine Kaufman. «Risky was... To appoint to a crucial administrative post of too zealous cavalryman?» Constantine Kaufman answered: «And, Andrei Ivanovich, we shall make experience, perhaps this cavalryman of us will not shame».

Mikhail Skobelev undertook arrangements energetically on the ruined territory. Therefore, Mikhail Skobelev did his best to make proper improvements and ease the life of common people. He also paid much attention on establishing and management of newly formed districts, and districts and their management were formed, regional management and governor's office dispatched decrees and instructions, and the process of the economic restructuring was underway. From immemorial time water was the main vital force. Mikhail Skobelev concentrated his efforts on construction of ditches and canals; the best available engineering forces were at his order. Ferghana literally on eyes was turning to a blossoming oasis. Caravan routes were taken under protection, and movement on them became safe. K.P.Kaufman wrote to St. Petersburg: «Michael Dmitrievich is engaged seriously in business, he penetrates into everything, studies and works non-stop... People submitted requests with full trust and, it seemed, they were pleased with the present position...»

But the expansion progress in Central Asia was not welcomed everywhere. For London the Russian gains in Central Asia were a bone in a throat. The English guns coolly shot Kabul, and the English press burst in a hysterical cry: «Russian go to India!» Mikhail Skobelev gave a worthy rebuff to fans to sow discord and induce a shadow on a wattle fence: «we for the firm future of borders of ours also do not search for the another's grounds in the English colonial limits, lying in Asia from Teheran up to Peking, but also we shall not allow the English bayonet to shine in valleys of Fergana and Koqand».

Borders of the Fergana area before connection to Russia had rather indistinct and approximate image on maps. In conditions of real contact with the English possession they easily could become the apple of discord. In opinion of Mikhail Skobelev, Russia could secure itself in Europe, having undertaken resolute movement for Tien Shan and to force the rest of the world to recognize all Fergana Tien Shan as the Russian one.


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