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Unit Five. Industrialization in America
Vocabulary Study
Exercise № 70. Using suffixes and prefixes, make all possible words on a basis of given words. 1. Urban 2. Industry 3. Legislator 4. Corruption 5. Business 6.Monopolize 7. Finance
Exercise № 71.Name four or five strong American corporations and tell what kind of business they deal with. You may also guess when they were founded.
1. Tobacco ………… 2. Machinery ………… 3. Oil and petrol ……………. 4. Software and hardware ………… 5. Automobile ……… ……………
Exercise № 72. Reading Comprehension and Text for reproduction Standing keeper in New York Bay is the Statue of Liberty, which many consider as the symbol of New York if not of the United States itself. The placement of this monument is only fitting, for the first stop of most immigrants to the United States was at Ellis Island, not far from the statue's island pedestal. It has been once estimated that some 12 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island during its years of operation from 1898 to 1954 and that perhaps half of the United States' population can be traced to these masses that crowded through the island's cavernous Registry Hall. Забиваем Сайты В ТОП КУВАЛДОЙ - Уникальные возможности от SeoHammer
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From 1970 to 1980, while blacks and Hispanics were increasing in number, New York City's overall population declined by more than 800, 000 people. The number leaving more than doubled those who left the city during the 1960s. This decline, which paralleled that of other cities in the Northeast, was attributed to several factors. One prominent factor was crime, as crime rates rose to alarming levels and dramatic incidents came to symbolize the sometimes precarious existence of the middle-class New Yorker. Сервис онлайн-записи на собственном Telegram-боте
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Questions to the text: 1. Name four major communities of New York. 2. Can describe New York population in percentage? Draw a graph on New York population. 3. Which of ethnic groups can be considered as the first wave of immigrants to New York and America?
Exercise № 73. Memorize the following idiomatic expressions and use them in your sentences.
1) Blue Blood; (aristocratic) 2) Once in a Blue Moon; (very seldom) 3) To Look Blue; (depressed) 4) To Make the Air Blue; (rude language) 5) Black and Blue; (bitten heavily) 6) Bluestocking; (educated woman) 7) The Blue; (the Sky) 8) Out of the Blue; (Very unexpectedly) 9) Bolt from the Blue; (big surprise) 10) To Cry the Blues; (paint a poor picture) 11) To Blue One’s Money; (waste money)
Exercise № 74. Translate the sentences into English using idiomatic expressions.
1. Многие иммигранты принадлежали к старинным аристократическим семьям Европы. 2. Он работал не покладая рук, но получал заработанные деньги крайне редко. 3. Высокие фабричные трубы создавали довольно унылую картину его города. 4. Здесь были и унылые женщины и вечно пьяные и избитые плотники, но крайне редко можно было встретить человека со связями. 5. Его друзья постоянно употребляли нецензурные выражения и глупо тратили свои деньги на спиртное. 6. Рабочие многих американских заводов использовали грубую и нецензурный язык в общении между собой. 7. Они с восхищением наблюдали небо, освещенное фейерверками.
US Markets Expand (Reading Comprehension)
Industrial production has changed the nature of work. One hundred and fifty years ago the majority of Americans lived and worked on farms. Goods were produced in small workshops or in people's homes. The factory system of production brought workers together to operate machines. The skilled labor of the craftsman was replaced by the monotonous, repetitive work of tending a machine. As the United States industrialized, more people left farms to live in cities and work in factories. The character of industrial production continues to change as workers move from manufacturing to service industries. Many of the great factories of the 19th- and 20th-century United States were abandoned. New methods of production, such as those resulting from automation, changed factory work, which is now less strenuous and cleaner. The introduction of new products, and new methods of making them, continues to alter the nature of work.