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Registration of participation

In order to participate in the competition the managing representative of the authors’ group should:

1. Send filled-in registration form for each object (s. annex A) to leonardo2013@tut.by till August, the 1st 2013.

2. Send the digital copy of the work in JPEG or TIFF format (70x100 cm panel, resolution at least 100 dpi) to leonardo2013@tut.by till August the 1st 2013. If possible, it is also necessary to attach separately the main images in the same format based on the A4 size (297× 210 mm).

3. Deliver to the exposition (or transfer cash assets for printing) the panels made of foam board (plastic) or posters arranged according to the Regulations in PO BUA to the address: K. Marx St., 14, 220030 Minsk Republic of BELARUS, Tel. /fax: (+ 375 17) 327 71 20 till September, the 15th 2013.



The Competition’s objects are to be presented by the author or by the managing representative of the authors’ group. The materials are to be submitted on the panels made of foam cardboard (plastic) or on the posters of 1000(h) × 700(l) mm. The panels or posters must have any holes or another system for suspending in the upper part. One competition project should be arranged on one or two panels and presented in accordance with the scheme of arrangement of an object (see Annex B). Works may be presented in any convenient form (photos, drafts, etc.). If a model is presented it is to be exposed together with a supplement; the size of the model is not regulated. The object is to be presented as full as possible (plans on a readable scale, master plan (situation plan), facades (lofts), generic illustration (photos), technical & economic features, etc.) and is to occupy a separate panel.


Information about the object is to be placed, according to the scheme, on the upper side of the panel No 1 in the field 100mm high. It is necessary to indicate the contestant’s participation degree in each project (an author, a co-author, a member of the authors’ group and etc.), the authors’ group, and also the organization, which fulfilled the project. An appropriate square, indicating “section” and “nomination” of the project is to be located on the right upper side. A colored square 40x40mm points out a nomination of the competition:


1. Dark blue – Town-planning and designing;

2. Red – Social and industrial complexes, buildings and establishments;

3. Orange – Living high-storied houses;

4. Yellow – Living one-apartment and low-storied houses;

5. Green – Landscape architecture, city design and monumental art and sculpture in the architecture;

6. Grey – Interiors;

7. Brown – Architectural solutions using roller shutter systems in residential, public and industrial buildings (s. Annex D).



Black contour around a colored square 10mm thick points out “Construction” Section, lack of it – “Project” Section.

The entries not satisfying the given requirements will be exhibited but will not be considered by the jury.

The exposition dismantling will be carried out by the competition participants’ efforts.

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