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Глава 10

1. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. In Beryl Arbuckle D.O., The Dynamics of Cerebrospinal Fluid (American Academy of Osteopathy Yearbook, 1950). Reprinted in Beryl Arbuckle D.O., Selected Writings of Beryl Arbuckle (National Osteopathic Institute and Cerebral Palsy Foundation, 1977): 97.
2. Haven Trevino. The Tao of Healing (New World Library, 1999).
3. Elizabeth С. Hayden D.O. Osteopathy for Children (Churchdown Osteopaths, 1997): 3.
4. Dr. Viola Frymann D.O. Relation of Disturbance of Craniosacral Mechanism to Symptomatology of the Newborn: Study of 1, 250 Infants. The Collected Papers of Viola Frymann (American Academy of Osteopathy, 1998): 8.
5. Frederick Leboyer. Birth without Violence (Mandarin Paperbacks, 1991): 23.
6. M. Lietaert Peerbolte. Psychic Energy in Prenatal Dynamics (The Netherlands: Service Publishers, 1975).
7. Dr. John Upledger D.O., The Brain Is Born (North Atlantic Books, 1996): 30.
8. Dianne M. Connelly. All Sickness Is Homesickness (Traditional Acupuncture institute, 1993): 25.
9. John Rowan. Paper entitled Major Categories of Early Psychosomatic Traumas (1978).
10. Ronald Laing. Facts of Life (London: Penguin, 1976).
11. Nandor Fodor. In Search of the Beloved (University Books, 1949).
12. Maura Sills, lecture notes on “Core Process Psychotherapy”.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Dr. William Emerson Ph.D. Infant and Child Birth Re-facilitation, transcription of presentation to Second International Congress on Pre- and Perinatal Psychology (San Diego, CA. 1985).
16. Ibid.
17. Dr. William Emerson Ph.D. Personal lecture notes.
18. Upledger. The Brain Is Born: 35.
19. Emerson. Personal lecture notes.
20. Gordon Bourne. Pregnancy (London: Pan Books, 1975): 66.
21. Upledger. The Brain Is Born: 38.
22. Ibid, 40.
23. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Personal lecture notes.
14. Jonathan Curtis Lake D.O. From из статьи “The Sum of the Parts” (неопубликована).
25. Ibid.
26. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 3.
27. Ibid, 10.
28. Gerard Tortora and Nicholas Anognostakos. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (4th ed. Harper and Row, 1984): 723.
29. Janet Balaskas and Dr. Yehudi Gordon. The Encyclopedia of Pregnancy and Birth (Little, Brown and Company, 1998).
30. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 16.
31. Frymann. Collected Papers: 3.
32. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 27.
33. Arbuckle. Selected Writings: 81.
34. Dr. Ray Castellino D.C., R.P.P. and Debby Takikawa DC Delivery Self-Attachment and Bonding-Part 2. The Fulcrum (Autumn 1999).
35. Robert Fulford D.O. Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life (Pocket Books, 1997).
36. Fulford. Touch of Life [quoting studies by Dr. Bertil Jacobsen at the Karolensha Institute, Sweden].
37. Dr. Ken Dychtwald. Bodymind [after Dr. Frederick Leboyer] (Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1986): 33. 38. Janet Balaskas. New Active Birth (Thorsons, 1989): 140.
39. Balaskas and Gordon. Encyclopedia: 164.
40. Ibid. 146.
41. Leboyer. Birth without Violence: 70.
42. Ibid, 64.
43. Castellino and Takikawa. Delivery Self-Attachment.
44. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 8.
45. A. Schore. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994); D. J. Seigal. The Developing Mind (New York: Guilford, 1999); van der Kolk. Neurobiology, Attachment and Trauma [presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies] (November 1998); Rothschild, B., The Body Remembers (W.W. Norton, 1991): 17.
46. B. Rothschild. The Body Remembers (W.W. Norton. 1991): 17.
47. Ibid.
48. A. Schore. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.
49. Lennart Righard M.D. and Margaret Alade R.N. Delivery Self-Attachment (1990): 1106-7. 50. Castellino and Takikawa. Delivery Self-Attachment.
51. Righard and Alade. Delivery Self-Attachment: 1106-7.
52. Dr. A. G. Cathie. Growth and Nutrition of the Body with Special Reference to the Head (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, 1962): 149-53.
53. Steve Jones et al. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution (Cambridge University Press, 1994): 108.
54. B. Rothschild. The Body Remembers: 16.
55. B. D. Perry, R.A. Pollard, T.L. Blakeley. W. I. Baker, and D. Vigilante. Childhood Trauma, the Neurobiology of Adaption, and " Use-Dependent" Development of the Brain. How " States" become " Traits". Infant Mental Health Journal 16.4: 271-91.
56. Upledger. The Brain Is Born: 289.
57. Ibid.
58. Dr. John Upledger D.O. and Jon Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983): 263.
59. Dr. H. Magoun D.O. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976): 101.
60. Leboyer. Birth Without Violence: 42.


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