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1. Rabindranath Tagore. Gitanjali (Macmillan, 1913): 85 (verse 69). 2. Itsuo Tsuda. The Dialogue of Silence, trans. Giorgio Capra (Luni Editrice, 1992). 3. Dr. V.M. Frymann D.O. “A Study of the Rhythmic Motions of the Living Cranium /АОА 70 (May 1971): 928-45. Reprinted in Clinical Cranial Osteopathy, ed. Richard Feely D.O. (The Cranial Academy). 4. Meticien Tettambel D.O., Allen Cicora B.S., and Edna Lay D.O., F.A.A.O. Recording of the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse (Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine); originally published in /АОА 78 (October 1978) 149; reprinted in Clinical Cranial Osteopathy, ed. Richard Feely D.O. (The Cranial Academy). 5. Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): xviii. 6. John E. Upledger and Zvi Karni. Mechanical Electric Patterns during Craniosacral Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment /АОА 78 (1979): 782-91. 7. Z. Karni, J. E. Upledger, J. Mizrahi, L. Heller, E. Becker, and T. Najenson. Examination of the Cranial Rhythm in Long-Standing Coma and Chronic Neurological Cases. Craniosacral Therapy, John Upledger and Jon Vredevoogd (Eastland Press, 1983): Appendix B. 8. Milne. Heart of Listening: 4. 9. John M. McPortland D, O., M.S., and Eric A, Mein M.D Entrainment and the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse. Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997). 10. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001). 11. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press. 1997): 124. 12. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Around the Edges. The Tide (UK Sutherland Society, Spring 1996). 13. Phrase coined by Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T 14. Anecdote from Colin Perrow R.C.S.T 15. Dr. W.G Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1967): 39. 16. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 4: Trauma and Stress (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, vol. 2, 1965). 17. Dr. Michael Shea. Somatic Cranial Work (Shea Educational Group, 1997): 61. 18. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press, 1991): 14. 19. Sutherland. Contributions: 102. 20. Sutherland. Contributions: 130. 21. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 14. 22. N.B. Некоторые врачи также говорят о спокойном более медленном движении, которое возникает на каждой фазе возвышения каждые 20-25 минут. Это движение возникает и распространяется наружу в пространство до тех пор, пока не возникнет новый «прилив». 23. Callum Coates. Living Energies (Gateway Press, 1996). 24. William Seifriz. Protoplasm of a Slime Mold (film documentary). 25. Genesis 2: 7 (King James version). 26. The Buddha, Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra (The Heart of Understanding, trans. Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh/Parallax Press, 1988): I. 27. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 16. 28. Ibid. 29. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World (interview by Bonnie Harrigan) Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997). 30. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 6. 31. Sutherland. Contributions: 203. 32. «Изменение формы» — термин, используемый для определения способности американских шаманов изменять свою форму 33. Dr. David Bohm. In The Holographic Paradigm, ed. Ken Wilber (Shambhala Publications, 1982): 190. 34. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. The Polarity Process (Element Books, 1989): 14. 35. Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics. 36. Ken Wilber. The Holographic Paradigm (Shambhala Publications, 1982): 2. 37. Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics. 38. Ibid. 39. Dr. Karl Pribram. Languages of the Brain (Prentice-Hall 1971). 40. Wither The Holographic Paradigm: 9. 41. Or Mae Wan Ho. Presentation at the “Breath of Life Conference” (London, May 2003). 42. Is It Done with Mirrors? Rhythm and News (Spring 1997); originally published in Brain/Mind, Marilyn Ferguson (Interface Press, 1996). 43. Dr. Ray Gottlieb. Brain/Mind Bulletin 21.6 (March 1996). 44. Grahame Whitehead. Living Water, Positive Health (March 2000). 45. Sills. The Polarity Process: 17. 46. Ibid. 47. Vera Stanley Alder. From the Mundane to the Magnificent (Rider, 1988): 75. 48. Henry Lindlahr M.D. Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics, vol. I (Maidstone Osteopathic Clinic, 1975): 24. 49. Wilber. The Holographic Paradigm: 3. 50. Jealous. Around the Edges. 51. E. Blechschmidt and R. Gasser. Biokinctics and Biodynamics of Human Differentiation (Charles С Thomas, 1978): xiii. 52. Ibid. 53. Ibid. 54. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics. 55. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World. 56. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics. 57. Jealous. Around the Edges. 58. История, рассказанная Colin Perrow R.C.S.T. 59. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 14. 60. Becker. Life in Motion: 41.