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Extracurricular activities or extra academic activities are activities outside the regular curriculum in a school or college. These activities include art, sports, music / band, acting (drama), various clubs. Sometimes volunteer activities are also included here. They are usually free and allow students to follow their own interests while using the facilities of their place of study. Extracurricular activities exist at all levels of education, from junior high (or middle school) / high school, college and university education. It is believed that extracurricular involvement is very important for personal development. Extracurricular activities are very important especially in the USA and are taken into consideration by colleges and universities and later by prospective employers. The range of extracurricular activities may vary depending upon the interests of the students, country and type of college and university. The most common types are: Student Government. One of the most widespread types of extracurricular experience is student government, such as student government and residence hall government. It is typically elected by their peers to function as the " official voice" of students to university administration. These government participants represent the ideas and concerns of their fellow students. Athletics. Student athletes may participate in sports teams such as volleyball, basketball, or lacrosse. Being a varsity athlete requires a lot of time and energy for practicing and competing. Players at all skill levels are invited to participate, and often these activities may be quite competitive. In the USA many schools have student spirit organizations that allow students to attend sporting events, sit in a special student cheering section, and applaud the home team. Academic and Professional Organizations. At their meetings students discuss the problems related to their field of interest and learn job related skills. Such professional organizations typically focus on one career area of interest. Examples of professional organizations include different societies, such as the Mathematics Society, the English Club, the Poetic Club and so on. Volunteer and Service-Related Activities. Volunteer and service-related activities exist to help improve the local and worldwide community, an important goal of extracurricular activities. Students engage in community service projects, such as rebuilding homes, planting trees, helping elderly people, orphans. They may act as volunteers in private boarding homes for dogs and cats. The Arts. Students interested in fine arts have a lot of extracurricular opportunities in which they can actively participate. Activities including plays, musicals, and dance concerts offer a chance for students to demonstrate their dramatic abilities. Marching band, jazz band, orchestra, and singing groups allow students to pursue their musical interests at the college level. Pottery, sculpture, and mosaic classes and workshops are also offered for students to learn and enjoy. Other Activities. In addition to the specific extracurricular activities previously mentioned, other activities exist on many college campuses. Most of them are not typical for Russia sometimes due to lack of facilities. Religious organizations offer students an opportunity to gather with students of similar religious backgrounds. Media organizations on campus consist of print, television, and radio venues. These activities may include writing or taking pictures for the school newspaper, or working as a disc jockey for the campus radio station. Individuals interested in politics may join the College Republicans or College Democrats (in the USA).
facilities [fə ˈ sɪ lə tɪ z] - аппаратура, оборудование, здания, средства involvement – вовлеченность, участие prospective employer – потенциальный работодатель peer [pɪ ə ] – ровесник, сверстник varsity [ˈ vɑ ː sə tɪ ] – студенческая или школьная спортивная команда spirit organization – группа поддержки orphan - сирота boarding home for dogs and cats - приют для кошек и собак pursue a musical interest – заниматься музыкой pottery – гончарная мастерская, гончарное дело workshop – студия, мастерская venue [ˈ venju: ]– место проведения встреч, соревнований и т.п.
Ex. 6. Complete a questionnaire given below. Discuss in pairs which points you would like to add. Tick the activities you’re engaged in or would like to be involved in. Analyze your results with other group mates. Questionnaire “Students’ Extracurricular Activities”
search and mind games – поисковые и интеллектуальные игры contribute – cотрудничать (с газетой, журналом); contribute an article – писать статьи для журнала choir [ˈ kwaɪ ə ] - хор charitable - благотворительный stray – бродячий (о животных)
Ex. 7. Speak about your present activities or future intentions using the following models. Model 1. I’m engaged / involved in ….I take part / participate in … Model 2. I would like to be engaged / involved in …