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Winter Exams

A: How well did you do in your Russian History exam?

B: I passed.

A: What mark did you get?

B: Well, I got an excellent mark. I was lucky with the questions.

A: Well done! Did you have to prepare much for the exam?

B: Of course. I had to look through all the notes of the lectures and revise all the units. It took me almost a week to do the revision. Besides I read some additional material.

A: Was it possible to be exempted from taking the exam because of excellent academic performance?

B: Yes, but it was very difficult. You had to be present at all lectures and seminars, make reports and ask questions at every seminar and write an essay on one of the topics. As for me, I was absent several times because of my part-time job.



be exempted from taking the exam because of excellent academic performance – быть освобожденным от экзамена по причине отличной успеваемости (получить экзамен «автоматом»)

Well done! – Молодец!

part-time job – работа с неполной занятостью


A: What did you get for your written test?

B: I’m afraid I failed.

A: Oh dear! I’m sorry to hear that! What are you going to do?

B: I’m going to prepare for it in a better way and try to rewrite it again next week. Can I take your notes? I’ve missed several lectures and classes.

A: Sure you can. Good luck!


A: Did you take a Philosophy exam on Tuesday?

B: No, I didn’t. Actually I was in hospital and fell behind the rest of the group. I need some time to do the revision and catch up with my classmates.

A: Will you be able to take it later?

B: I think, yes. I’ll be able to retake it but only at the beginning of the next term in February.


catch up with the group – «нагнать» группу, наверстать пропущенные занятия

retake an exam – пересдать экзамен


Ex.7. Answer the following questions or use them in the dialogues of your own.

1. What year student are you?

2. What faculty do you study at?

3. You’re a Bachelor student, aren’t you?

4. When did you decide to apply to Vologda State University?

5. Did you do well in the Unified State Exams?

6. Did you have to take any admissions exams?

7. Did you take any preparatory courses during your final year at school?

8. Were you interviewed at the admissions department?

9. Was the competition stiff?

10. What new subjects does your curriculum include?

11. What are your chief subjects?

12. What are your supplementary subjects?

13. How many lectures, seminars and classes do you have a week?

14. What classes do you have on Tuesday?

15. Do you sometimes miss classes?

16. What subject comes easy to you?

17. Are you good at English?

18. How many end-of-term tests and winter exams will you have? In what subjects?


Ex. 8. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with the missing information from your students’ life. Be ready to present your story to your fellow students.

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