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Airplane pilots rely on a set of instruments in the cockpit to monitor airplane systems, to control the flight of the aircraft, and to navigate.

Systems instruments will tell a pilot about the condition of the airplane’s engines and electrical, hydraulic, and fuel systems. Piston-engine instruments monitor engine and exhaust-gas temperatures, and oil pressures and temperatures. Jet-engine instruments measure the rotational speeds of the rotating blades in the turbines, as well as gas temperatures and fuel flow.

Flight instruments are those used to tell a pilot the course, speed, altitude, and attitude of the airplane. They may include an airspeed indicator, an artificial horizon, an altimeter, and a compass. These instruments have many variations, depending on the complexity and performance of the airplane. For example, high-speed jet aircraft have airspeed indicators that may indicate speeds both in nautical miles per hour (slightly faster than miles per hour used with ground vehicles) and in Mach number. The artificial horizon indicates whether the airplane is banking, climbing, or diving, in relation to the Earth. An airplane with its nose up may or may not be climbing, depending on its airspeed and momentum.

General-aviation (private aircraft), military, and commercial airplanes also have instruments that aid in navigation. The compass is the simplest of these, but many airplanes now employ satellite navigation systems and computers to navigate from any point on the globe to another without any help from the ground. The Global Positioning System (GPS), developed for the United States military but now used by many civilian pilots, provides an airplane with its position to within a few meters. Many airplanes still employ radio receivers that tune to a ground-based radio-beacon system in order to navigate cross-country. Specially equipped airplanes can use ultraprecise radio beacons and receivers, known as Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) and Microwave Landing Systems (MLS), combined with special cockpit displays, to land during conditions of poor visibility.

Exercise 5. Decipher the following abbreviations:


Exercise 6. Translate the following words and word combinations by ear:

Состоит из; внутри фюзеляжа находится экипаж; к нему крепится; по определению; они являются продолжением многокомпонентного фюзеляжа; 3 человека экипажа; совокупно именуемый; стабилизаторы предназначены для; лётчик нажимает на педали; при посадке; скон­струи­ро­ван­ный для решения конкретных задач; от нуля до … км/час; созданный из термостойкого материала; сохранять работоспособность в критических ситуациях; противоблокировочная тормозная система; первоначально раз­рабо­тан­ный; лететь с постоянной скоростью; свешиваться с кромки кры­ла; закрылки выпускаются на малых скоростях; снижать скорость при заходе на посадку; триммеры являются частью; устанавливать положение по тангажу; приборы показывают давление масла; в зависимости от сложности; авиагоризонт указывает; определять местонахождение самолёта; относительно земли; настраиваться на радиомаяк; в сочетании с бортовым индикатором; в условиях плохой видимости; называется рысканием.

To greatly reduce the drag; to be pulled up into the wing; to land during conditions of poor visibility; to tune to a ground-based radio-beacon; to provide an airplane with its position; in relation to the Earth; the artificial horizon indicates whether…; depending on the complexity, altitude and attitude of the airplane, aircraft employ satellite navigation systems; tune to a ground-based radio-beacon, known as, to tell a pilot the course; the instruments monitor engine and exhaust-gas temperatures, to increase the amount of lift, include devices such as; an airplane is capable of three types of motion; to fly steadily in one direction.

Exercise 7. Translate and answer the following questions by ear:

· Сколько человек входит в экипаж бомбардировщика?

· Из каких основных частей состоит самолёт?

· Какова функция рулей высоты самолёта?

· Какими качествами отличаются материалы, применяемые для изготовления покрышек шасси самолётов?

· Чем конструкция самолёта типа «летающее крыло» отличается от конструкции других типов самолётов?

· Могут ли крылья использоваться для размещения топлива?

· Когда заходит речь об околозвуковых и сверхзвуковых самолётах, то часто оперируют понятием «число М». Что такое «число М»?

Exercise 8. Make a two-way translation:

Captain, sir. May I clarify а point from today’s presentation? Пожалуйста, лейтенант Бенни Матьюз. Задавайте вопросы всегда сразу, чтобы потом не было недоразумений.
Today you said that the elevators control the movement of the airplane along its lateral axis. This motion is pitch, right? Правильно. То есть тангаж – это наклон самолёта относительно его главной поперечной оси в полёте.
Yes, I was afraid I misunderstood you. Надеюсь, что вы записали, что авиагоризонт показывает не только углы тангажа и крена, но и пространственное положение самолёта, путевую скорость, отклонение скорости. Он также предоставляет некоторую навигационную информацию.
I was under the impression that the rudder behind the cockpit was more a tribute to tradition than a necessity, because ailerons alone provided sufficient direction control. У этого руля есть ещё ряд функций, которые мы рассмотрим во время следующей лекции. Положение этих элеронов и стабилизаторов обеспечивает продольную устойчивость машины.
Many thanks for your interesting presentation and I hope that we will be provided with handouts on the material. Да, все материалы будут размножены, и, кроме того, вы получите схему приборной доски с указанием всех приборов контроля работы двигателей.

Exercise 9. Translate the following text at sight:

An airplane relies on the movement of air across its wings for lift, and it makes use of this same airflow to move in any way about the three axes. To do so, the pilot will manipulate controls in the cockpit that direct control surfaces on the wings and tail to move into the airstream. The airplane will yaw, pitch, or roll, depending on which control surfaces or combination of surfaces are moved, or deflected, by the pilot.

In order to bank and begin a turn, a conventional airplane will deflect control surfaces on the trailing edge of the wings known as ailerons. In order to bank left, the left aileron is lifted up into the airstream over the left wing, creating a small amount of drag and decreasing the lift produced by that wing. At the same time, the right aileron is pushed down into the airstream, thereby increasing slightly the lift produced by the right wing. The right wing then comes up, the left wing goes down, and the airplane banks to the left. To bank to the right, the ailerons are moved in exactly the opposite fashion.

In order to yaw, or turn the airplane’s nose left or right, the pilot must press upon rudder pedals on the floor of the cockpit. Push down on the left pedal, and the rudder at the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer moves to the left. As in a boat, the left rudder moves the nose of the plane to the left. A push on the right pedal causes the airplane to yaw to the right.

In order to pitch the nose up or down, the pilot usually pulls or pushes on a control wheel or stick, thereby moving the elevators at the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer. Pulling back on the wheel deflects the elevators upward into the airstream, pushing the tail down and the nose up. Pushing forward on the wheel causes the elevators to drop down, lifting the tail and forcing the nose down.

Exercise 10. Translate the following text in writing:

Early airplanes were usually biplanes - craft with two wings, usually one mounted about 1.5 m (about 5 to 6 ft) above the other. These designs created a great deal of drag, so aircraft engineers eventually pursued the monoplane, or single-wing airplane. A monoplane’s single wing gives it great advantages in speed, simplicity, and visibility for the pilot.

After World War I (1914–1918), designers began moving toward wings made of steel and aluminum, and, combined with new construction techniques, these materials enabled the development of modern all-metal wings capable not only of developing lift but of housing landing gear, weapons, and fuel.

Over the years, many airplane designers have postulated that the ideal airplane would, in fact, be nothing but wing. Flying wings, as they are called, were first developed in the 1930s and 1940s.

American aerospace manufacturer Northrop Grumman Corporation’s flying wing, the B-2 bomber, or stealth bomber, developed in the 1980s, has been a great success as a flying machine, benefiting from modern computer-aided design (CAD), advanced materials, and computerized flight controls. Popular magazines routinely show artists’ concepts of flying-wing airliners, but airline and airport managers have been unable to integrate these unusual shapes into conventional airline and airport facilities.

Exercise 11. Translate the following text in writing:

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