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Language performs its function as a means.of intercommunication not only in oral but also in written form. Therefore it is important to establish the relationship between orthography and pronunciation, that is letters and sounds, which represent them. English dictionaries usually indicate the pronunciation of each individual word, because the English spelling system is very difficult. This is because 1) it represents two different languages, one of Romance and the other of Teutonic origin; 2) the English spelling has remained essentially the same since the days of Caxton * and the-other early printers. As a result of this 60 symbols are used to represent vowels and diphthongs and 44 symbols are used to represent consonants in the written language. These symbols are separate letters-or combinations of letters, which correspond to vowel and consonant phonemes. They are called graphemes. Graphemic symbols are included into angle brackets. Graphemes for the system of vowels are the following: a, e, i, y, o, u oa, oe, oi, oy, oo, ou, ow, oe ar, er, ir, yr, or, ur ue, ui, uy aa, ae, ai, ay, au, aw, эе aer, air, ayr ea, ее, ei, ey, eu, ew ear, eer, eir, eyr, eur, e\v(e)r te, ye iar, ier, yer oar, oor, our, ow{e)r, uer igh, aigh, eigh, ough Graphemes for the system of consonants are the following: b, c, ch, d, dg, f, g, gh, gn, gu, h, j, k, 1, m, n, ng, p, ph, q, qu, r, s, sc, sch, sh, si, ssi, sei, ti, ci, ce, t, tch, th, u, v, w, wh, x, xcT У, z, zi There are very few sounds which have one-to-one graphemic reference, e. g. < w), (b), (]) in way, bay, lid, are single-valued graphemes. As a rule, one grapheme has many phonemic references, e. g; —э banana —o: thought —ei baby —u: through < a> —ae back < ough> —ou though — a: bask —э borough Graphemes may be simple (a) and complex (ough). A grapheme, which consists of one letter, corresponding to one phoneme is called a monograph; two-, three- and four-letter graphemes, which correspond to one phoneme are called " digraph", " trigraph'" and " polygraph" — accordingly, e. g. (a), < b> are monographs, {ng),, Caxton W. (1422-91) — the first English printer. < ck> are digraphs, (tch), (sch) are trigraphs, {eigh>, < ough) are poly-One and the same phoneme may be derived from both: simple and ■ complex graphemes, e. g, the phoneme lei is derived from (e>: tmt, egg; from (ea): ready, meat. In, ir./ are pronounced only in complex graphic contexts, e. g. book, cook, look, shook, took good, hood bull, bullet, bullock, bully, full, pull bush, cushion, push could, should, would However: bosom, wolf, woman. If we analyse a word from the viewpoint of orthographic —■ phonemic and graphemic reference, the discrepancy between them will be almost universal. For example, the word stretch consists oi: 5 phonemes /s/ HI /r/ /e/ /tf/ 5 graphemes s — t — r — e — tch 7 letters s — t — r — e — t — с — h The word mouth consists oi: 3 phonemes /m/ /au/ /0/ 3 graphemes m — ou — th, 5 letters m — о — u — t — h From the phonological point of view, a grapheme has a considerable number of allophonic references, due to the complementary distribution or free variation, in which a phoneme occurs. For example, ■ the grapheme < o> in box is in reference with a more front allophone lv] than in cot, where Ы is more back. The grapheme (t) in twice is in reference with a rounded allophone of Ш and with It] post-alveo-3ar in tree. Morphemic reference of graphemes is many-sided. Any graphic -difference must be considered as having an independent morphemic reference. E. g. boys /bolz/ — boys' /bolz/ —boy's /b? lz/ s, s*( 'shave different morphemic reference: s indicates the plural 'form*, s' indicates the plural form, possessive case; 's indicates the possessive case of the singular form. The knowledge of orthography is very important because changes in orthography are much slower than changes in phonology. Therefore there are a large number of rules of reading in modern English. Given below is a simplified table of some grapheme-phoneme correspondences, illustrated by typical contexts. In " Phonemic references" only vowel phonemes are singled out to revise their spelling correspondences. J58 Table
Orthography helps to differentiate homophones, e, g. sight /sart/ — зрение; вид cite /sait/ — ссылаться, приводить, цитировать site /sait/ — местоположение There are also cases when words coincide in their plural and singular forms so far as the spelling and pronunciation are concerned. They may be distinguished only by the abbreviated forms, e. g. species /'spi: Ji: z/ (вид, порода): the singular and plural of this word! 159> are pronounced alike. The abbreviation sp stands for the singular and spp stands for the plural. Graphemes in the English language may indicate the phonemic reference of a preceding, or the following grapheme. They perform diacritic function. E. g. 1. The doubling of consonants: (a) indicates the shortness of the preceding vowel jmd differenti planed — planned noted — knotted (b) differentiates the meaning of words: assent—a cent appear—a pier arrival—a rival occur—a cure (c) lengthens the preceding vowel: barred, stirred, furred 2. The use of a " mute" e or r: (a) indicates'the alphabetical reading of the preceding vowel and rat — rate pet — Pete fin — fine (b) differentiates homophones: born—borne pleas—please step—steppe do /deu/1—doe (c) indicates the lengthening, or the diphthongal nature of a preced- are toe awe pore mere were due cure fury sire There are two*notions in phonological literature which reflect the -connection of orthography with syllables and morphemes: (a) syllabo-•graph and (b_)morphograph. The parts of a word which represent syllables graphically are called syllabographs. They may consist of a •vowel, or a combination of vowels and consonants which corresponds to a syllable or syllables within the graphic norms of the analysed word, e. g. Words Syllabographs higher high-er barring Ъаг-ring bankrupt bank-rupt refinement re-fine-ment 1 rt is a noun denoting a musical note, but not the verb do, 160 A morphograph is that part of a word which represents a morpheme graphically, e.j-g. the suffix -ing is a morphograph in the word singing; the suffix -ed is a morphograph in the word long-legged, etc, Sounds are indicated in writing by means of transcription. It is especially useful in studying English, where the interpretation of the orthography can be complicated and misleading. Transcription is quite indispensable in transliteration of names of persons, geographical names, magazines, names of ships, etc. Transliteration is writing a word, or words, of one language in the letters of some other language. Transliteration differs from transcription: it is simpler and may use additional symbols. E. g. Bath is transcribed as /ba0/ but transliterated as 5am (the length of /a/ and the sound /6/ are ignored). Given below is a list of Russian equivalents for English letters and letter combinations and phonetic renderings. English Russian English Russian
6—182 J —ДЖ к —к; иногда не передается For example: exact /igizaekt/ игзэкт Exmoor /leksraua/ Эксмур Levy /H, i: vi/ Ливи Dyson /idaisn/ Дайсон Byrd /ba: d/ Берд Vyrnwy /iv3: nwi/ Вернуи Woi thing /Iw8: 8ig/ Уэртинг, Вортинг Urban /1э: Ьэп/ Эрбан Whistler /iwisb/ Уислер Furness /ifa: nis/ Фернесс Proserpine /'prusapain/ Просерпайн, Прозерпина (миф.) (название судна) Louth /Iau9/ Лаут Southend /'sauGend/ Саутенд Highmoor /lhaimua/ Хаймур Given below are several " difficult" Russian letters, which are transliterated in English in the following way: ш—sh Sholokhov ж—zh Zhukov ч —tch, ch Chekhov, Tchaikovsky, Cheboksary щ—shch Shcherba ы—у Bykov x —kh Kharkov я —ya Yalta Questions I. Why is it important to establish relationship between sounds and letters? What is a grapheme? 2. What are the types of graphemic reference? 3. What are the single-valued graphemes? What is a monograph? 4. What are the multi-valued graphemes? What is a digraph, txigraph, polygraph? 5. What are the simple and complex graphemes? 6. Give examples of /ae, e, u, u: / connection with simple and complex graphemes, 7. Give examples of orthographic-phonemic-graphemic reference. 8. How are graphemes connected with phonology? 9. How are graphemes connected with morphology? 10. Give examples of phonemic reference of some graphemes. 11. How is orthography connected with lexicology, grammar? 12. What is the importance of orthography in differentiating homophones? 13. What diacritic functions-of graphemes do you know? 14. What is a syllabograph? 15. What is a morphograph? 16. What is the difference between transcription and transliteration? Exercises *I. Give graphemic symbols of the phonemes: /s/ in the word city /k/ in the word cat /J7 in the word oceanic /(j)u: / in the word beauty /л/ in the word courage /3/ in the word borough 2. Give some examples of English graphemes. *3. Analyse these words from the viewpoint of the inventory of graphemes, phonemes, letters. baobab, vest, duly, ship, dish, awful, dawn, light, high, workt archaic, airy, laugh, watched *4. Give explanation of the phonemic reference of the graphemes < r), (our), (ear) in the words; right, afraid, pray, try, tour, tear, very, dry *S. Give the phonetic reference of the tnorphograph " -ed" in the words: worked, limited, pinned, begged, added, liked, barred, cared *6. Transcribe these homophones. Translate them into Russian to prove the differentiator}1 function of graphemes. pact—packed barred—bard pair—pare — pear franc—frank ■ wear—where wea t her—whether scene—seen ■ berth—birth ceiling—sealing sole—soul bare—bear pray —■ prey rain —reign pail — pale air—heir fined — find pains—panes teas—tease peace—piece 6* feat—feet witch—which dear—deer bow—bough bread—bred right—write — rite peer—pier beach—beech hear—here fur—fir tale—tail male—mail sun—son beat—beet break—brake maize—maze weak—week currant—current serial—cereal vain—vein —vane sell —cell sail—sale compliment —complement hair—hare blue—blew sea—see meat—meet heal—heel fare—fair cent—sent —scent rode—road team—teem hoarse—horse berry—bury gate—gait plain—plane key—quay