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Referential which reflect objective

properties of real phenomena (quantity,

time, etc)

Relational (syntactic) which serve to

combine words into phrases and sentences

Verbal number and person

Gender and number of Ukrainian adjectives

Grammatical categories are made up by the unity of that have the meanings have the same form (e.g. singular:: plural). Due to dialectal unity of language and thought, grammatical categories correlate, on the one hand, with the conceptual categories and, on the other hand, with the objective reality.GRAMMATICAL CATEGORIES Number - count nouns have singular and plural forms. In Modern English the singular form of a noun is unmarked (zero). The plural form is marked by the inflexion -(e)s. Irregular plurals: man, tooth, mouse… Invariable nouns: tea, sugar, gold, news, proper nouns. Case - shows relation of the noun with other words in a sentence. It is expressed by the form of the noun. English nouns have two cases: the common case (unmarked, it has no inflexion (zero inflexion) and its meaning is very general) and the genitive case (is marked by ‘s).=possessive Gender does not find regular morphological expression. The distinction of male, female, and neuter may correspond to the lexical meaning of the noun: boy, girl, table. Correlation - an action expressed by a perfect form, proceeds some moment in time. /perfect, non-perf/ Aspect - shows the way or manner in which an action is performed, that is whether the action is: perfective, imperfective, momentary (однократное), durative. /common, continuous/ Voice - denoting the relationship between the action expressed by the verb and the person or non-person denoted by the subject of the sentence. /active, passive/ Mood - expresses the relation of the action denoted by the verb to reality from the speaker’s point of view. /indicat, imperat, oblique moods (Subj I, II; Suppositional)/ Tense - expresses the relationship between the time of the action and the time of speaking. /past, pres, future/ Person - expresses the relation of the action and its doer to the speaker, showing whether the action is performed by the speaker (the 1st person), someone addressed by the speaker (the 2nd person) or someone/something other than the speaker or the person addressed (the 3rd person).

The opposition (in the linguistic sense) may be defined as a generalised correlation of lingual forms by means of which a certain function is expressed.

The correlated elements (members) of the opposition must possess two types of features: common features and differential features.

Common features serve as the basis of contrast, while differential features immediately express the function in question.

The oppositional theory was originally formulated as a phonological theory.

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