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ЛЕКСИЧНИЙ МІНІМУМ (не є об’єктом контролю)

Лексичний мінімум вступника складає 2500 одиниць, відповідно до тематики ситуативного спілкування, передбаченої Програмою загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з іноземних мов (рівень стандарту) та складають загальновживані слова, які зазвичай використовують носії мови у повсякденних ситуаціях спілкування. Список слів додається




baby (n)

back (adv, adj & n)

background (n)

backpack (n)

backwards (adv)

bad (adj)

bag (n)

baggage (n)

bake (v)

balance (n & v)

balcony (n)

bald (adj)

ball (n)

ballet (n)

balloon (n)

banana (n)

band (n)

bandage (n)

bank (n)

bank balance (n)

banknote (n)

bar (n)

barbecue (n & v)

bare (adj)

base on (phr v)

baseball (n)

basement (n)

basic (adj)

basin (n)

basket (n)

basketball (n)

Page 6

bat (n)

bath (n & v)

bathroom (n)

battle (n)

bay (n)

be (v)

beach (n)

bean (n)

bear (n)

beard (n)

beat (v)

beautiful (adj)

because (conj)

because of (prep phr)

become (v)

bed (n)

bedroom (n)

bee (n)

beef (n)

before (prep, adv & conj)

begin (v)

behave (v)

behind (prep & adv)

believe (v)

bell (n)

belong (v)

belongings (n)

below (adv & prep)

belt (n)

bend (n & v)

beneath (adv & prep)

benefit (n & v)

beside (prep)

between (prep & adv)

beyond (prep & adv)

bicycle (n)

big (adj)

bike (n)

bill (n)

• electricity bill

bin (n)

biography (n)

biology (n)

bird (n)

birth (n)

birthday (n)

biscuit (n)

bit (n)

bite (n & v)

bitter (adj)

black (adj)

blackboard (n)

blame (n & v)

blank (adj)

• a blank piece of paper

blanket (n)

bleed (v)

blind (adj & n)

block (n)

• block of flats

blond(e) (adj & n)

blood (n)

blouse (n)

blow (n & v)

blue (adj)

board (n & v)

boarding pass (n)

boat (n)

body (n)

boil (v)

bold (adj)

bomb (n & v)

bone (n)

book (n & v)

booking office (n)

bookshelf (n)

bookshop (n)

boot (n)

• leather boots

• the boot of the car

border (n)

bored (adj)

boring (adj)

born (adj)

borrow (v)

boss (n)

both (pron & det)

bottle (n)

bottom (n)

bowl (n)

box (n & v)

boy (n)

boyfriend (n)

brain (n)

brake (n & v)

branch (n)

brave (adj)

bread (n)

break (n & v)

break down (phr v)

• The car has broken down.

break in (phr v)

• Someone broke in and stole the


break up (phr v)

• When does school break up?

• The pop group has broken up.

breakfast (n)

breath (n)

breathe (v)

brick (n)

Page 7

bridge (n)

brief (adj)

bright (adj)

brilliant (adj)

bring (v)

bring up (phr v)

• She was brought up in London.

broad (adj)

brochure (n)

brother (n)

brown (adj)

brush (n & v)

bucket (n)

buffet (adj & n)

bug (n)

build (v)

building (n)

bulb (n)

• light bulb

bull (n)

bullet (n)

bureau (n)

burger (n)

burglar (n)

burglary (n)

burn (n & v)

bury (v)

bus (n)

business (n)

bus station (n)

bus stop (n)

busy (adj)

but (conj)

butcher (n)

butter (n)

button (n)

buy (v)

by (prep)

by accident (prep phr)

by all means (prep phr)

by hand (prep phr)

by mistake (prep phr)

by name (prep phr)


cab (n)

cabbage (n)

cabin (n)

cable (n)

café /cafe (n)

cage (n)

cake (n)

calculator (n)

calendar (n)

call (n & v)

call for (phr v)

• I’ll call for you at 7.

call in (phr v)

• She called in to see a friend.

calm (adj)

camel (n)

camera (n)

camp (n & v)

campsite (n)

can (n)

canal (n)

cancel (v)

candidate (n)

candle (n)

canteen (n)

cap (n)

capital (adj)

• capital city

• capital letter

captain (n)

car (n)

carry out (phr v)

car park (n)

card (n)

• birthday card

• credit card

• identity (ID) card

• playing card

cardboard (adj & n)

care (n & v)

• take care of someone (n)

• to care (about/for) someone/something


career (n)

carpet (n)

carrot (n)

carry (v)

carry on (phr v)

• He carried on walking despite the rain.

cartoon (n)

case (n)

• suitcase

cash (n & v)

cassette (n)

cassette player/recorder (n)

castle (n)

cat (n)

catch (v)

cathedral (n)

Page 8

cauliflower (n)

cause (n & v)

cave (n)

CD (n)

CD-Rom (n)

ceiling (n)

celebrate (v)

celebration (n)

celery (n)

cellar (n)

cent (n)

centimetre (cm) (n)

central (adj)

central heating (n)

centre (n)

century (n)

cereal (n)

certain (adj)

certificate (n)

chain (n)

chair (n & v)

chalk (n)

challenge (n & v)

champion (n)

chance (n)

change (n & v)

changing room (n)

channel (n)

chapter (n)

character (n)

charge (n & v)

chat (n)

cheap (adj)

cheat (v)

check (n & v)

check in (phr v)

• They checked in to a hotel.

check out (phr v)

• He checked out of the hotel at the end

of his stay.

checkout (n)

cheerful (adj)

cheers! (exclam)

cheese (n)

chef (n)

chemist (n)

chemistry (n)

cheque (n)

chess (n)

chest (n)

chicken (n)

chief (adj)

child (n)

childhood (n)

chimney (n)

chin (n)

chips (n)

chocolate (n)

choice (n)

choose (v)

church (n)

cinema (n)

circle (n)

circus (n)

city (n)

clap (v)

class (n)

• language class

• first class, second class

classical (adj)

• classical music

classroom (n)

clean (adj & v)

clear (adj & v)

clever (adj)

click (v)

cliff (n)

climate (n)

climb (v)

clinic (n)

cloakroom (n)

clock (n)

close (adj, adv & v)

cloth (n)

clothes (n pl)

cloud (n)

club (n)

• to join a club

coach (n)

coal (n)

coast (n)

coat (n)

cocoa (n)

coconut (n)

coffee (n)

coin (n)

cola (n)

cold (adj & n)

collar (n)

colleague (n)

collect (v)

collection (n)

college (n)

colour (n & v)

comb (n & v)

come (v)

come down (phr v)

• The house had come down in price.

come on (phr v)

• Come on or we'll miss the bus.

comedy (n)

Page 9

comedian (n)

comfort (n)

comfortable (adj)

comic (adj & n)

command (v)

commercial (adj)

committee (n)

common (adj)

• a common surname

• have something in common

communicate (v)

communication (n)

compact (adj)

company (n)

compare (v)

comparison (n)

compete (n)

competition (n)

complain (v)

complaint (n)

complete (v)

complicated (adj)

composition (n)

computer (n)

concentrate (v)

concert (n)

conclusion (n)

condition (n)

• in good condition

conference (n)

confident (adj)

confirm (v)

congratulations! (exclam)

connect (v)

connection (n)

consider (v)

consist (v)

consul (n)

consulate (n)

contact (n & v)

contain (v)

contents (n)

continent (n)

continue (v)

contract (n)

control (n & v)

convenient (adj)

conversation (n)

cook (n & v)

cooker (n)

cookie (n) (Am Eng)

cool (adj & v)

copy (n & v)

corn (n)

corner (n)

correct (adj & v)

correction (n)

corridor (n)

cost (n & v)

costume (n)

cottage (n)

cotton (n)

cough (n & v)

count (v)

country (n)

countryside (n)

couple (n)

courage (n)

course (n)

• English course

• main course

• of course (exclam)

court (n)

• law court

• tennis court

cousin (n)

cover (n & v)

cow (n)

crash (n & v)

crazy (adj)

cream (adj & n)

create (v)

creative (adj)

creature (n)

credit (n)

• credit card

crew (n)

crime (n)

criminal (n)

cross (n & v)

crossing (n)

• pedestrian crossing

cross out (phr v)

• Cross it out and write it again.

crossroads (n)

crowd (n)

crowded (adj)

crown (n)

cruel (adj)

cruise (v)

cry (n & v)

cucumber (n)

cultural (adj)

culture (n)

cup (n)

cupboard (n)

cure (n & v)

curious (adj)

curly (adj)

currency (n)

current (adj)

Page 10

curriculum (n)

curriculum vitae/CV (n)

curry (n)

curtain (n)

curve (n & v)

cushion (n)

custom (n)

customs (n pl)

customs officer (n)

customer (n)

cut (n & v)

cut up (phr v)

• She cut up the cake into small pieces.

cute (adj)

cycle (n & v)


dad (n)

daddy (n)

daily (adj & adv)

damage (n & v)

damp (adj)

dance (n & v)

danger (n)

dangerous (adj)

dark (adj & n)

date (n & v)

• today’s date (n)

daughter (n)

day (n)

dead (adj)

deaf (adj)

deal (with) (v)

dear (adj & exclam)

• too dear to buy (adj)

• Dear Sir (adj)

• Oh dear! (exclam)

death (n)

decide (v)

decimal (adj & n)

decision (n)

declare (v)

deck (n)

• the deck of a boat

decrease (n & v)

deejay / DJ (n)

deep (adj & adv)

defeat (n & v)

defence (n)

defend (v)

definitely (adv)

degree (n)

• 90 degrees

• a degree in maths

delay (n & v)

delighted (adj)

deliver (v)

delivery (n)

demand (n & v)

demonstration (n)

dentist (n)

depart (v)

department (n)

departure (n)

depend (v)

• It depends on what you want to do.

deposit (n)

• pay a deposit

depressed (adj)

depth (n)

• the depth of the water

describe (v)

description (n)

desert (n)

deserve (v)

design (n & v)

desk (n)

despite (prep)

dessert (n)

destination (n)

destroy (v)

detail (n)

detective (n)

develop (v)

diagram (n)

dial (v)

diary (n)

dictionary (n)

die (v)

diet (n & v)

differ (v)

difference (n)

different (adj)

difficult (adj)

difficulty (n)

dig (v)

digital (adj)

dining room (n)

dinner (n)

diploma (n)

direct (adj & v)

direction (n)

director (n)

directory (n)

• a telephone directory

dirt (n)

disabled (adj)

disadvantage (n)

Page 11

disagree (v)

disappear (v)

disappoint (v)

disc/disk (n)

• compact disc/CD

• hard disk

• floppy disk

disco(theque) (n)

discount (n)

discover (v)

discuss (v)

discussion (n)

disease (n)

disgusting (adj)

dish (n)

dishwasher (n)

dislike (n & v)

display (n & v)

distance (n)

distant (adj)

district (n)

disturb (v)

dive (v)

divide (v)

dizzy (adj)

do (v)

doctor/Dr (n)

document (n)

documentary (adj & n)

dog (n)

doll (n)

dollar (n)

dolphin (n)

door (n)

double (adj)

doubt (n & v)

down (adv & prep)

download (n & v)

downstairs (adv)

dozen (n)

drama (n)

draw (v)

• to draw a picture of someone or


• to draw the curtains

• to draw near

drawer (n)

dream (n & v)

dress (n & v)

dressing (n)

drink (n & v)

drive (n & v)

driving licence (n)

drop (n & v)

drugstore (n) (Am Eng)

drum (n)

dry (adj & v)

dry cleaning (n)

duck (n)

due (adj)

• The next bus is due in five minutes.

due to (prep phr)

dull (adj)

during (prep)

dust (n & v)

dustbin (n)

duty (n)

duty-free (adj)

duvet (n)

DVD (n)

DVD player (n)


each (det & pron)

ear (n)

earache (n)

early (adj)

earn (v)

earring (n)

earth (n)

east (adj, adv & n)

eastern (adj)

easy (adj)

eat (v)

economics (n)

edge (n)

educate (v)

education (n)

effect (n)

efficient (adj)

effort (n)

egg (n)

either (adv, det, pron & conj)

elderly (n & adj)

elect (v)

election (n)

electric (adj)

electrical (adj)

electricity (n)

electronic (adj)

elementary (adj)

elephant (n)

else (adv)

email (n & v)

embarrassed (adj)

embarrassing (adj)

embassy (n)

emergency (n)

employ (v)

Page 12

employee (n)

employment (n)

empty (adj & v)

encourage (v)

end (n & v)

end up (phr v)

enemy (n)

engaged (adj)

• to be engaged to someone

• The phone was engaged.

engine (n)

engineer (n)

enjoy (v)

enormous (adj)

enough (adv, det & pron)

enquiry (n)

enter (v)

entertain (v)

entertaining (adj)

entertainment (n)

entrance (n)

entry (n)

envelope (n)

environment (n)

equal (adj)

equipment (n)

escalator (n)

escape (n & v)

especially (adv)

essay (n)

essential (adj)

euro/Euro (n)

even (adv)

• He couldn't even do that.

evening (n)

event (n)

ever (adv)

every (adj)

everybody (pron)

everyone (pron)

everything (pron)

everywhere (adv)

exact (adj)

examine (v)

examination/exam (n)

example (n)

excellent (adj)

except (prep, conj)

excitement (n)

exchange (n)

• an exchange visit

• in exchange for

exchange (v)

exchange rate (n)

excited (adj)

exciting (adj)

excuse (n & v)

exercise (n & v)

exhibition (n)

exist (v)

exit (n)

expect (v)

expedition (n)

expensive (adj)

experience (n)

experiment (n & v)

expert (n)

explain (v)

explanation (n)

explode (v)

explore (v)

extra (adj & adv)

extraordinary (adj)

extremely (adv)

eye (n)


face (n)

• a sad look on his face

facility (n)

• The hotel has excellent facilities.

fact (n)

factory (n)

fail (v)

failure (n)

faint (adj & v)

fair (adj & n)

fairly (adv)

faithfully (adv)

fall (n & v)

(n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: autumn )

false (adj)

familiar (with) (adj)

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