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II.7. Соедините в пары следующие описания разных групп ядов с их названиями (например, 5-а).
include bad food, fungi, and many chemicals, such as iodine, arsenic, and mercury. The usual symptoms are severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, and shock. If a chemical has been swallowed, there is pain in the mouth, throat, neck, and chest.
| a. Convulsant poisons
| make the victim lose consciousness. They include opium, morphine and codeine (which are forms of opium), as well as a large number of other drugs called barbiturates, which are occasionally used to help people sleep. Alcohol, which is found in beers, wines, and spirits, and chloroform are generally included in the narcotic poisons class. Usually when a person has taken too much of any of these substances, the pupils of his eyes become very small (pin-point pupils). His pulse is feeble and his breathing slow. He becomes confused, sleepy, and may lose consciousness.
| b. Delirient poisons
| actually destroy the tissues of the body. Among them are acids such as sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, and carbolic acids, and alkalis such as caustic soda and ammonia. Any substance that contains corrosives is also poisonous, which is why disinfectants must not be swallowed. Corrosives cause very severe pain in the mouth, throat, neck, and stomach. The lips and mouth are stained and burned, and the person may vomit (be sick) and suffer from shock.
| c. Narcotic poisons
| cause the patient become restless and to talk a great deal without knowing what he is saying. He is thirsty his mouth becomes dry, and his sight is blurred. The pupils of his eyes are very large. Belladonna and atropine have this effect, and both are found in the berries of the deadly nightshade.
| d. Irritant poisons
| produce fits. They include strychnine, prussic acid, and cyanides and act very quickly. Breathing may stop, so artificial respiration (to get the breathing started again) is needed.
| e. Corrosive poisons
II.8. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту B:
liquors [΄ lIk@z]
| спиртные напитки
| principle [prInsIpl] (the intoxicating principle)
| действующее начало нелекарственного вещества, (опьяняющее начало)
| grain [΄ greIn]
| зерно
| corn [kO: n]
| пшеница
| rubdown [rö bdaun]
| обтирание
| resin [΄ rezIn]
| смола
| ether [΄ i: T@]
| простой эфир
| ester [΄ est@]
| сложный эфир
| lotion[΄ louS@n]
| лосьон
| blindness [΄ blaIndnIs]
| слепота
| inflammation[Infl@΄ meIS@n]
| воспаление
| death [΄ deT]
| смерть
| lining [΄ lanIÎ ]
| слизистая оболочка
| vomiting [΄ vOmItIÎ ]
| рвота
| hangover[h{Î ΄ gouv@]
| похмелье
| anxiety [{Î g΄ zaI@tI]
| тревога
| potency [΄ pOt@nsI]
| сила действия
| drowsiness[drauzInIs]
| сонливость
| blackstrap molasses[mOl@sIz]
| черная патока
| similar [΄ sImIl@]
| похожий
| colorless [΄ kö l@l@s]
| бесцветный
| flammable[΄ fl{m@bl]
| горючий
| inevitable [I΄ nevIt@bl]
| неизбежный
| nutritive[΄ nju: trItIv]
| питательный
| heavy drinkers
| сильно пьющие
| to reduce[rI΄ dju: s]
| уменьшать
| to emphasize[΄ emS@saIz]
| подчеркивать
| contrary to[΄ kOntr@rI t@]
| в противоположность чему-либо
| for that reason[΄ ri: z@n]
| по этой причине
| alcohol–free
| не содержащий алкоголя
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