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Билет для экзамена № 8

1. Famous criminals.

2. Read, translate and be ready to answer the questions.

The most extreme action which a law enforcement officer can take in any situation is the use of firearms. Under no circumstances should firearms be used until all other measures for controlling the violence have been exhausted, Above all, officers should never fire indiscriminately into a crowd or a mob. Such extreme action may result in injury or death to innocent citizens. The decision to resort to the use of firearms is indeed a grave one. Such decision must be based upon a realistic evaluation of the existing circumstances. Among the important considerations, of course, are the protection of the officer’s own life as well as lives of fellow officers, and the protection of fellow citizens. A basic rule in the police training is that a firearm is used only in self-defence or to protect the lives of others.

In guidelines prepared for law enforcement agencies, the International Association of Chiefs of Police states: “The use of firearms should be considered as a last resort, and then only when necessary to protect the lives of citizens and officers”.

A fundamental purpose of government is to protect of government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens. This aim requires the maintenance of order under law. We know that riots can usually be prevented and can always be controlled. The question is whether we can act wisely, or will resort to the law of the pistol.

Intensive police training can bring a new discipline and a new effectiveness to police control efforts. By fast, careful, firm action local police can catch trouble before it is out of control.

Compounding the difficulty is the present psychology of police personnel. It is paramilitary, based on force and fear. The level of violence in England is lower than in the USA, but far from wholly absent. Yet, there is an understanding that the game of crime is played without guns.


Зав. кафедрой кандидат исторических наук, доцент

Сексте Я.А.





Кафедра: Гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин


Дисциплина Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции

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