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Сервис онлайн-записи на собственном Telegram-боте
Тот, кто работает в сфере услуг, знает — без ведения записи клиентов никуда. Мало того, что нужно видеть свое раписание,
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Вы создали или только планируете создать свой сайт, но не знаете, как продвигать?
Продвижение сайта – это не просто процесс, а целый комплекс мероприятий,
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Ускорение продвижения
Если вам трудно попасть на первые места в поиске самостоятельно, попробуйте технологию Буст,
она ускоряет продвижение в десятки раз, а первые результаты появляются уже в течение первых 7 дней.
Если ни один запрос у вас не продвинется в Топ10 за месяц, то в SeoHammer за бустер вернут деньги.Patterns of combinability
§ 232. Numerals combine mostly with nouns and function as their attributes, usually as premodifying attributes. If a noun has several premodifying attributes including a cardinal or an ordinal, these come first, as in: three tiny green leaves, seven iron men, the second pale little boy, etc.
The only exception is pronoun determiners, which always begin a series of attributes:
If both a cardinal and an ordinal refer to one head-noun the ordinal comes first: the first three tall girls, the second two grey dogs, etc.
Nouns premodified by ordinals are used with the definite article: The first men in the moon, the third month, etc.
When used with the indefinite article, they lose their numerical meaning and acquire that of a pronoun (another, one more), as in: a second man entered, then a third (вошел еще один человек, потом еще).
Postmodifying numerals combine with a limited number of nouns. Postmodifying cardinals are combinable with some nouns denoting items of certain sets of things: pages, paragraphs, chapters, parts of books, acts and scenes of plays, lessons in textbooks, apartments and rooms, buses or trams (means of transport), grammatical terms, etc.; room two hundred and three, page ten, bus four, participle one, etc.
In such cases the cardinals have a numbering meaning and thus differ semantically from the ordinals which have an enumerating meaning. Enumeration indicates the order of a thing in a certain succession of things, while numbering indicates a number constantly attached to a thing either in a certain succession or in a certain set of things. Thus, the first room (enumeration) is not necessarily room one (numbering), etc. Compare: the first room I looked into was room five, or the second page that he read was page twenty-three, etc.
Postmodifying ordinals occur in combinations with certain proper names, mostly those denoting the members of well-known dynasties: King Henry VIII - King Henry the Eighth, Peter I - Peter the First, etc.
Mind the position of the article in such phrases. It is always attached to the numeral. When used as substitutes numerals combinewith various verbs: I saw five of them. They took twenty. As head-words modified by other words numerals are combinable with:
1) prepositional phrases: the first of May, one of the men, two of them, etc.
2) pronouns: every three days, all seven, each fifth, etc.
3) adjectives: the best three of them, the last two weeks, etc.
4) particles: just five days ago, only two, only three books, he is nearly sixty, etc. Note:
The numeral first may combine with the particle very: the very first of them.
When they have the function of subject or predicative the numerals are combinable with link verbs, generally the verb to be:
Occasionally they are combinable with some other link verbs: