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Местоимение (The Pronoun)

Местоимение обычно определяет предметы и качества, конкретно не называя их. Таким образом, в предложении местоимения используются в функции существительного либо прилагательного. В английском языке выделяют следующие местоимения:


1. Личные местоимения (Personal Pronouns) употребляются в двух падежах – именительном и объектном:

the Nominative Case and the Objective Case

I me

he him

she her

it it

we us

you you

they them

You are taller than her.

He is as intelligent as she is.

Who found the key? – She did.

It ’s up to her to decide.

Give the check to them.

2. Притяжательные местоимения (Possessive Pronouns) имеют две формы:

the Conjoint form and the Absolute form

my mine

his his

her hers

its its

our ours

your ours

their theirs

Первая форма всегда употребляется вместе с существительным. Сравните:

Her idea is interesting. – Whose idea is it? –It’s hers.

That’s their car. – Whose car is it? – It’s theirs.

3. Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns) имеют формы единственного и множественного числа:

the Singular and the Plural

this these

that those

Они обозначают расположение объекта в пространстве и времени (отдаленное или близкое).

Show me the dress, please. – Which one? – That blue one.

And those jeans, please.

This dictionary is older than that one.

These exercises are quite difficult.

Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns
Nominative Case Objective Case Conjoint Form употребляется с сущест- вительным Absolute Form употребляется без сущест- вительного Singular Plural
I he she it we you they me him her it us you them my his her its our your their mine his hers its ours yours theirs this these that those


4. Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite Pronouns) обозначают неопределенное количество или качество.

а) Местоимение some в основном используется в утвердительных предложениях. В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях используются местоимения any, no.

You must think of some plan. – You don’t have to think of any plan.

There were some magazines on the desk. There were no magazines on the desk, only newspapers.

Однако местоимение some употребляется в вопросах, которые представляют собой просьбу или предложение

May I offer you some tea?

Can I have some milk?

б) Местоимение аny употребляется в отрицаниях и вопросах в значении some. В утвердительных предложениях оно соответствует русским местоимениям любой, всякий, какой угодно.

You can do that work any day you like.

What books shall I give you? – Any will do.

в) Местоимение оne употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными, имеет форму множественного числа ones, а также форму притяжательного падежа – one’s. Оно используется в качестве слова-заменителя существительного, упомянутого ранее во избежание повтора, а также с в значении любой (каждый) человек.

One can learn a foreign language.

To express some vague time:

One day I’ll tell you the truth.

To avoid the repetition of the same noun:

My office is the first one on the left.

With the meaning of only and single:

This is the one way out.

5. Местоимения Much и Many, Little и Few.

Much и Many обозначают большое количество, первое употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. второе – с исчисляемыми.

You needn’t take much aspirin.

There were so many questions to ask.

Much и Many чаще встречаются в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях, а также в придаточных, вводимых союзами if или whether.

There aren’t many people in the street.

I wonder if much money is needed.

В утверждениях Much и Many можно использовать в следующих случаях:

Much depends on what you will say.

My father meant so much to me.

We’ve got too many things to do today.

Вместе с этими местоимениями возможно употребление выражений a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great deal of, a large number of. Они также обозначают определенное количество.

A lot of interesting articles were published in the last issue.

There was a lot of snow in the streets of Helsinki.

Much и Many имеют степени сравнения:

much many more   the most

I’ve got more good marks for this semester than for the previous one.

Местоимения little и few обозначают небольшое количество, little употребляется с неисчисляемыми, few с исчисляемыми существительными.

I have little news for you.

At the conference we met few familiar people.

НО: выражениe a little имеет значение немного, a few – несколько.

He brought a few oranges and a big melon.

Do you have any sugar? – Yes, a little.


I know little about fine arts.

I know a little about fine arts.

There is little money in my wallet today.

There is a little money in my wallet today.

Эти местоимения также имеют степени сравнения:

little few less   the least


There were less mistakes in your last test.

Today there are fewer people in the Internet Hall.

Употребление местоимений much, many, little, few в составе оборота there is/ are.


Present Simple affirmative sentences There is a book in the library. There are many/few books in the library. There is much/little information in this reference book.  
Present Simple negative sentences There isn’t a/any book on the shelf. There aren’t many/any books on the topic in the library. There isn’t much/any information in this reference book.  
Present Simple interrogative sentences Is there a/any book on the shelf? Are theremany/any books on the topic in the library? Is theremuch/any information in this reference book?  
Past Simple affirmative sentences There wasa book in the library. There were many/few books in the library. There wasmuch/little information in this reference book.  
Past Simple negative sentences There wasn’ta book on the shelf. There weren’t many/ any books on the topic in the library. There wasn’t much/ any information in this reference book.  
Past Simple interrogative sentences Was therea/any book on the shelf? Were theremany/ any books on this topic in the library? Was theremuch/ any information in this reference book?  
Future Simple affirmative sentences There will be a book in the library. There willbe many/ few books in the library. There will be much/little information in this reference book.  
Future Simple negative sentences There won’t be a/ any book in the library. There won’t bemany/ any books in the library. There won’t be much/ any information in this reference book.  
Future Simple interrogative sentences Will there be a/ any book on the shelf? Will there bemany/any books on the shelf? Will there be much/any information in this reference book?  

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