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Dialects of English
A nasty shock awaits many visitors to Britain. Imagine that you have learnt English for years, you can read newspapers and you have no problem following the television, but when you go into a fish and chip shop in Newcastle, you can not understand a word they are saying. The language has been standardized for a very long time, and regional dialects in Britain have largely died out – far more so than in Italy or Germany, for example. That is to say, the vocabulary of the dialects has died out, but the accents and a few bits of distinctive grammar remain. It is the accent which gives the visitor a problem in the fish and chip shop. Some accents are so strong that they present problems for British people, too. Variations within Britain are so great that accents from New York or Texas are often easier to follow than ones from Liverpool or Glasgow. It is mostly the vowels which differ from one dialect to another. In Manchester, shut rhymes with put, and in the south it rhymes with but. Intonation patterns also differ between regions. There is a kind of standard British English pronunciation, based in a confusing way on class and geography. It is the accent of the south-east, but not that of London itself. It could be said that the upper classes have the dialect of their own, with a pronunciation known as RP (Received Pronunciation). The majority of middle-class people speak a sort of classless, democratic version of RP, with a slight admixture of the local regional accents. Забиваем Сайты В ТОП КУВАЛДОЙ - Уникальные возможности от SeoHammer
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Попробуйте сервис онлайн-записи VisitTime на основе вашего собственного Telegram-бота:— Разгрузит мастера, специалиста или компанию; — Позволит гибко управлять расписанием и загрузкой; — Разошлет оповещения о новых услугах или акциях; — Позволит принять оплату на карту/кошелек/счет; — Позволит записываться на групповые и персональные посещения; — Поможет получить от клиента отзывы о визите к вам; — Включает в себя сервис чаевых. Для новых пользователей первый месяц бесплатно. Зарегистрироваться в сервисе Americans and Australians sometimes use a rising, question-type intonation on statements, often in the middle or at the end of sentences: “I spoke with my teacher (rising intonation), and he said I had to redo the test”. This is used to engage the attention of the listener; it means “Do you remember my teacher? ” or “Are you listening? ” To the great dismay of the older generation, this intonation is becoming very popular in Britain.