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The United Kingdom

1. What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?

2. What is the capital of UK? (Лондон)

3. How many parts are there in UK? What are their capitals? (4 Лондон, Кардиф, Эдинбург, Белфаст)

4. Which flag isn’t represented in the Union Flag? (Уэльс)


Customs and traditions

1. What is the most popular English holiday? (Christmas)

2. What do people celebrate on the 14th of February? (St. Valentine's Day)

3. When is boxing day? (26.12)

4. What are the Britain's national flowers? (rose, shamrock, thistle, daffodil)

5. What is Guy Fawkes Night? (Bonfire Night, Firework night)

Food and drink

1. What is the most popular drink in Britain? What do the people like to drink it with? (tea with milk)


3. How often do they have a meal? What are the meals? (4 times breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper)

4. What is traditional Christmas meal? (turkey, pudding)

5. What is the difference between can and tin? (Amer. Brit)

British and American English

1. Квартира (Flat – Apartment)

2. Почтовый ящик (Postbox – Mailbox)

3. Фамилия (surname – Last name)

4. Тротуар (sidewalk – path)

5. Водопроводный кран (faucet – tap)


Interesting places

1. Why is Big Ben so called? (It was named after Benjamin Hall, the Chief)

2. How old is Stonehenge? (5 000 years ago)

3. Auction.

4. What is and what was the Tower of London? (museum of gun – prison)

5. What is Speaker's corner? (a corner in Hyde Park, where public speeches are made)

Вопросы для кота в мешке и аукциона

1. Who are the most popular British writers? (name 5 of them) (кот) (Шекспир, Агата Кристи, Диккенс, Киплинг, Дэфо)

2. Who is the author of Harry Potter? (кот) (JK Rowling)

3. What is Baker Street famous for? 9 (аукцион) (a home of Sherlock Holms)

4. What is the most popular British airport? (Heathrow)

5. What is the name of Queen's husband? (Philip)


Round 2

Sport and transport

1. What is the most popular English sport? (soccer)

2. What is public transport called? (double Decker bus)

3. What is the English for – стрельба из лука? (archery)


5. When did the Olympic Games take place in London? (1908, 1948)


1. At what age do children go to school in Britain? (5)

2. What are 2 main British Universities? (Oxford – Cambridge)

3. What is GCSE? (general certificate of secondary education)

4. What is the sport competition between Oxford and Cambridge students? (Rowing)in March

5. What is one of the most interesting facts about Cambridge University? (Graduator was 105 years old)



1. The name of the queen. Her address. (Elizabeth II) (Buckingham Palace)

2. Tell the name of Prime Minister of GB? What's his address? (George Brown – 10 Downing Street)

3. How many houses are there in the British Parliament? What are they? (House of Lords and House of Commons)

4. Who in the royal family died in the car crash in 1997? (Princes Diana)

5. What is the surname of the royal family? (Windsor)



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