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Defining Words from Context

Seven words that will be important to your understanding of the following selection are presented below in the contexts that should help you to guess their meanings. Write the definitions in the blanks.

EXAMPLE: In the 19-th century crude oil was used for the production of kerosene. It was the main product of the process of distillation of crude oil. But quite unexpectedly, people received two fry-products of that process -asphalt and gasoline.

A by-product is a secondary product obtained in addition to the main product.

1. Boys usually like to play with different machines and tools. They like
to tinker with them and to experiment and invent new machines out
of the old ones.

To tinker with means: ______________.

2. The main aim for oil geologists is to search for new oil sources. They
are tracking down oil everywhere. They are very happy when they
finally find oil.

To track down means: ______________.

3. A lot of work is usually done by geologists, geophysicists and drillers
in order to bring in a well or make it be productive and produce oil.

To bring in a well means: ______________.

4. A lot of new oil fields are being discovered by geologists in all parts of
the globe. To find a new oil deposit is always a great joy for them.
New oil fields and deposits mean new sources of energy for people.

An oil field or deposit means: ______________.

5. Long ago people began to use pipes or tubes for transportation of


The History of Oil

different kinds of fluids. At present thousands of kilometers of long­distance pipelines run through mountains, deserts and even under the seas and oceans to bring oil and gas to small villages and large cities.

A pipeline is: ________________.

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