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Synchronized swimming

Synchronized swimming is a water sport that combines grace, rhythm, and acrobatic skills. In this sport, swimmers perform certain movements to music they have selected. They synchronize (match) the movements with the rhythm and the mood of the accompanying music.

Synchronized swimming was once called water ballet. It began as a form of exhibition swimming at water shows and remains a popular feature of such shows. In 1952, the first international rules were established for synchronized swimming as a sport. Synchronized swimming first became a medal sport in the Summer Olympic Games in 1984.

Competition is divided into solo, duet, trio, and team events. A team may have four to eight members. Each solo, duet, trio, or team event has two sections – figures and routines. Figures are acrobatic movements. Routines combine figures with swimming strokes to create various patterns. Routines in international competition have a time limit of five minutes.

More than 50 figures may be used in international competition. They are divided into two series. The second series is more difficult than the first. Swimmers must perform three figures from the first series and two from the second.

The dolphin is a commonly performed figure. Swimmers begin it by floating on their back. They then pull themselves under the water head first, make a complete circle, and return to the floating position. In the dolphin bent knee figure, swimmers bend one knee while they perform the circular movement underwater.

A panel of judges awards points for each figure and routine. After each figure, the judges mark swimmers according to the difficulty of the figure and how well they performed it. The judges give each routine two scores, one for execution and one for style. The execution score reflects the skill that swimmers showed in performing the figures and strokes. The style score includes how well the swimmers synchronized their movements with the music.

In water shows and swimming exhibitions, swimmers often base their synchronized routines on a story or a theme. For example, a team of swimmers might act out such a tale as “Alice in Wonderland” with the aid of a narrator. Or they might choose such a theme as the seasons of the year and expressively interpret the mood of each season.


I. Divide the text into fragments in accordance with their contents. Entitle each fragment.

II. Using the material of paragraphs and your own knowledge of synchronized swimming, answer the following questions:

1. What is synchronized swimming? 2. What do swimmers do in this sport? 3. How was synchronized swimming called? 4. When did the sport begin? 5. When were the first international rules for the sport established? 6. How is the competition in synchronized swimming divided? 7. What is a limit for routines in international competition? 8. How many figures may be used in international competition? 9. What is dolphin? 10. Who judges competitions in synchronized swimming? 11. How do judges mark swimmers? 12. What do swimmers base their synchronized routines in water show and swimming exhibitions on?

III. Give the main points of the history of synchronized swimming.

IV. Write an annotation of the text.


Учебное издание


Жулкевская Галина Владиславовна





Учебное пособие по английскому языку
для студентов II курса БГУФК


2-е издание, исправленное


Редактор И. В. Усенко

Технический редактор Т. Г. Данилевич

Корректор Г. Л. Власова


Подписано в печать 14.10.2005. Формат 60× 84/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс.

Ризография. Усл. печ. л. 1, 86. Уч.-изд. л. 1, 53. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ 467.


Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение
Учреждение образования «Белорусский государственный
университет физической культуры»:

ЛИ № 02330/0133330 от 29.06.2004.

ЛП № 02330/0133127 от 27.05.2004.

220020, Минск, пр-т Победителей, 105.

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