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  • Как продвинуть сайт на первые места?
    Вы создали или только планируете создать свой сайт, но не знаете, как продвигать? Продвижение сайта – это не просто процесс, а целый комплекс мероприятий, направленных на увеличение его посещаемости и повышение его позиций в поисковых системах.
    Ускорение продвижения
    Если вам трудно попасть на первые места в поиске самостоятельно, попробуйте технологию Буст, она ускоряет продвижение в десятки раз, а первые результаты появляются уже в течение первых 7 дней. Если ни один запрос у вас не продвинется в Топ10 за месяц, то в SeoHammer за бустер вернут деньги.
  • Сервис онлайн-записи на собственном Telegram-боте
    Тот, кто работает в сфере услуг, знает — без ведения записи клиентов никуда. Мало того, что нужно видеть свое расписание, но и напоминать клиентам о визитах тоже. Нашли самый бюджетный и оптимальный вариант: сервис VisitTime.
    Для новых пользователей первый месяц бесплатно.
    Чат-бот для мастеров и специалистов, который упрощает ведение записей:
    Сам записывает клиентов и напоминает им о визите;
    Персонализирует скидки, чаевые, кэшбэк и предоплаты;
    Увеличивает доходимость и помогает больше зарабатывать;

Y. Yesterday farther. Home from his office very late. Came



YOU... AND HELP HIM.E) might go





YOU... TAKE IT WITH YOU TO the institute must

YOU... WARN HIM. E) must


YOU.... I SHALL BE TOO GLAD. E) could come

YOU...MY CAR. A) can borrow

You …come and see the baby. Must

You … come. The problem is settled.

You …go there at once. Shall

you remember that scenario that you wrote and ___ me about six weeks ago? Do/gave

You see. dear, I work as a mechanic in that same laundry on. C) twenty-fourth street


You usually have … breakfast at 8, don’t you?

You__ do it yourself. Must

You__ my car. Can borrow

You__ work hard your pronunciation! must

Young" Jerry was... boy with red hair, blue eyes and freckled skin. fourteen- year- old


YOUR KINDNESS IN FUTURE. will never be able to


Еxpress in one word: a general term for anything that people eatA ) food

ей требуется полчаса E) It takes her half an hour

Заниматься спортом- to go in for sports

записаться к врачу to take an appointment, with a doctor

записываться в библиотеку to join a library

как сказать: It all depends

лечение: treatment


Не выпьете ли вы с нами чаю? You’ll have some tea with us, won’t you?

обязательный по программе предмет a compulsory subject

Он просит передать ему хлеба He asks to pass him some bread

остаток чего-то the rest of smth

открыть счетE ) to open the score

отчаяние despair

проводить соревнования E) to hold a competition

Располагайтесь как дома Make yourself at home

роковая болезнь. A) fatal malady

следовать указаниям врача- to follow the doctor's directions

следовать чьему-л совету. to follow one's advice

Строка- a line

щупать пулс: to feel the pulse

это не уважительная причина- That's a poor excuse

Методика преподавания иностранного языка связана с общим и специальным языкознанием, педагогикой, психологией, физиологией.

Назовите исторические методы, до сих пор влияющие на современную методику преподавания ия – грамматико- переводной метод, прямой метод, современный мсетод.

Обучение иностранным языкам в средней школе преследует следующие цели- образовательную, воспитательную, развивающую, практическую.

Словари относятся к средствам обучения – вспомогательным.

Фонетическая зарядка это - специальные тренировачные упражнения в произношении.

Эти слова являются наиболее трудными для русскоязычных учащихся- структурные.

Рациональный контроль означает – оценивание языковой подготовки и учебной деятельности учащихся.

Язык- это прежде всего, средство- общения.

Контроль чтения про себя осуществляется путем – после текстовых заданий.

Учитель должен учитывать уровень языковой подготовки учащихся при планировании урока – обязательно должен.

Учитель сообщает задачи урока – учащимся.

Существуют следующие формы внеклассной работы- массовая, групповая, индивидуальная.

Самоуправление школьников подразумевает – регулируемый характер.

Способности проявляющиеся в умении учителя устанавливать педагогически целесообразные отношения с учащимися, их родителями, коллегами, руководителями учебного заведения- коммуникативные

Способности, проявляющиеся в умении учителя проникать в духовный мир воспитанников, объективно оценивать их эмоциональные состояния- перцептивные

Педагогическая диагностика – это – система методов и средств изучения профессионального уровня учителя.

Основная цель программы программы развития образования РК на 2011-2020- повышение конкуретноспособности образования, развитие человеческого капитала путем обеспечения доступности качественного образования для устройства роста экономики.

Особенность воспитательного процесса – двусторонность

Совокупность взаимосвязанных по содержанию законов, обеспечивающих устойчивую тенденцию или направленность в изменениях системы- закономерности процесса воспитания.

Невозможность воспроизведения, ранее закрепленного в памяти – забывание

Автоматизированное умение – навык.

Методы обучения, при которых источником знаний является устное или печатное слово – словесные методы.

Метод обучения, при котором учитель ставит перед учениками проблему, сам показывает пути ее решения, раскрывая возникающие противоречия- проблемное изложение.

Мужские виды прикладного искусства – изготовление ювелирных изделий.

Праздник возрождения природы – Наурыз

Зависимость восприятия от прошлого опыта – апперцепция.

Choose the world or the world – combination closest it meaning: To be found of smth – to like

Choose the proper article: The living room is… largest room in our flat - the

Choose the correct paraphrase: To write down – to put down

Give antonym: To be away from – to be present

Insert preposition or post – verbal nouns: The University is not far.. my house – from

Choose English equivalents to the following Russian one: Два часа езды- two hour’s ride

The term “dictionary” is used to denote a book listing..- words

The term “dictionary” is used to denote a book listing …- words

The morphemes which may occur alone and coincide with word- forms or immutable words are- free morphemes

This sentence is from the text: Brackett rose and worked over to the counter until they were face to face – “The happiest man of earth”

The boy kept squeezing politely out of the drunkard’s way, hurrying through the crowd, not saying anything and trying his best to be as decent as possible the main character of the text is…(mind the text “Filipino and the drunkard” w saroyan) -Filipino

The normal length of the degree course is…years – 3

The home of most national daily and Sunday newspapers is – Fleet street

This organization promotes knowledge of british culture and literature overseas- the british council

Unassimilated loan word is – affiche

Chose the correct participle: While…the street, boy was stopped by a stanger – crossing

Complete the following sentence: Mr.Shelby had a large plantation and many slaves (mind the text “brave mother” by H.Beecher Stowe)- in the South of America

Complete the following sentence: She decided to take her and away … (mind the text “Brave mother” by H.Beecher stowe)- to Canada

Complete the sentence: All the boys danced with me because they..(mind the text “The boy next door” by L.Baker)- were my gests

Complete he following sentence: “Good damn! ” said one of the white boys suddenly Roy recognized one of them it was.. (mind the text “Home” by Ihuges) – Charlie mumford, an old playmate

Complete the following sentence: Soon he..the bank rising before him …drum going round and round (mind the text “The bank of the sacramento” by J.London) – saw/ and the old familiar

Choose the correct tense form: we.. this article at the next lesson – shall translate

Choose the correct modal verb: She speak English quite well now – can

Choose the correct modal verb: Children.. with matches – mustn’t play

Choose the correct infinitive: It was foolish…like that – to spaeak

Choose the correct infinitive: I am glad.. you – to meet

Choose the correct infinitive: It is better..the land than to be doing sums- to be contemplating

Choose the correct sentence with the indirect speech: The teacher says “you don’t prepare your homework regularly” – the teachers says that we don’t prepare our homework regularly

Fill in the correct article: Their family has..supper late in the evening - - ----

Fill in the correct article: He has …breakfast early in the morning- --------

Use the correct tense form: The teacher said to me that I..my work very well- had done

Choose the right article: fresh air is good for our health - -----------

Choose the correct form of the verb: …the children …what to do with the books – have / decided

Choose English equivalent to the word: Италия - Italy

Fill in the correct preposition: What language do they speak..Kazakhstan? - in

Express in one word: A small house in the country – cottage

Choose the correct preposition: to help oneself…something- to

Find the correct form of the adjective: My dress is …than yours – more beautiful

Fill the correct form of the pronoun: William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and very little is known about …life- his

Choose the correct translation of the word: Petrochemicals – химические продукты из нефти

Choose the correct translation of the word: Agriculture – земледелие

Choose the correct preposition: To change …a about – for

Choose the correct translation: Пароход – steamer

Choose English equivalent to the word: Пустой - blank

Express in one word: A university teacher of a rank below a professor- reader

Choose the word close in meaning: Fashion – Style

Choose the correct translation of the word: To be observe a lesson – учебные пособия

Choose the proper word: A person who goes in for wrestling – wrestler

Express in one word: The effect produced on the mind of feelings – impression

Choose the suitable word: The flag is Kz is light..- blue

Choose the suitable word: The symbol of the new, young capital is the 97 metre tall..”astana-baiterek”- monument

Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: To abandon hope- оставить надежду

Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: Rewarding work – благодарная работа

Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: To be laid up with a disease – слечь от какой-то болезни

Choose the proper English equivalent to: лечние – treatment

Choose the proper English equivalent to: Быть в ответе за что-то – to be responsible for smth

Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: To do well in smth- to be good at smth

Choose the proper article: To be in..hospital - ----

Choose English equivalent to the following Russian one: это исключается- it is out of the question

Choose the proper English equivalent to: закончить вничью- to end in a draw

Choose the word and word – combination opposite in meaning: To see the old year out – to see the new year in

Choose the proper English explanation to: Mantelpiece- a structure of brick, wood or marble above and around a fire-place

Choose the correct English equivalents: принимать душ- to take a shower

Choose the word close in meaning: to fry – to cook

Fill in the missing word: MRs Smith is putting some..on the boy’s plate- cornflakes

Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: I..my homework when mother came home- was doing

Choose English equivalents to the following Russian one: разбогатеть- to make a fortune

Choose English equivalents to the following Russian one: плохо обращаться с кем-либо – to ill-treat somebody

Choose the word –combination closest in meaning: Not at all- not in the least

Choose the English equivalent to the following Russian one: гостинная комната- living room

Choose the word or the word- combination closest in meaning: Перестать читать- to stop reading

Choose the word and the word – combination opposite in meaning: To fall behind the group in grammar- to catch up with the group in grammar

Choose the correct from of the verb for the following sentence: I..my sisters to school every day – take

Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: If you will miss the train…- don’t hurry

Choose the word close in meaning: More- still

Вариант №1

After three years of study a university graduate will leave the degree of a…


Choose the proper article. Benny is … only child and there are no boys or girls in the family for him to play with (an)

Choose the proper word or word-combination. Now Benny is eager to have (a rabbit)

Choose the correct paraphrase. To write down (to put down)

Choose the correct modal verb. To go there yesterday (had)

Choose the correct modal verb. Can I see the dean? …He is busy (I`m afraid not)

Choose the correct modal verb. My brother.. play the piano very well (can)

Choose the correct modal verb. She..to help her mother (ought)

Choose the correct model verb. I..star here any longer. I have to go home (cant)

Choose the correct infinitive. The teacher asked us.. to each other (help to)

Choose the correct verb.He likes.. with a fountain-pen (to write)

Choose the correct form of the verb. You..just.. tomorrow`s weather forecast(have\ heard)

Choose the correct form of the participle. The door opened and a.. woman came in (well dressed)

Choose the correct verb. He.. from for two days where is she? (hasn`t been heard)

Choose the correct verb. He.. a radio set as a present for his birthday (was given)

Choose the correct verb. This boy.. by a motor-car yesterday? (was run over)

Choose the correct modal verb. We.. ring the bell I have got a key (needn`t)

Choose the correct form of the possessive case. I often consult …dictionary (Jones`s)

Choose the suitable word. Some companies have their own ..(theatres)

Choose English equivalent to the word. Тихий океан (the Pacific ocean)

Choose the necessary indefinite pronoun. We didn`t know.. about his problem, he didn`t tell us about it (anything)

Choose the correct preposition.Students working.. their firs degree are caller undergraduates (for)

Choose the correct translation.Очко (score)

Choose the suitable word. The south-eastern part on England is a low-lying (land)

Choose the correct preposition. To put.. the light (out)

Choose the suitable word. These companies employ leading …(producers)

Choose the word or the word- combination closet in meaning. Faithful (devoted)

Choose the word close in meaning. To settle (decide)

Choose the correct preposition. To be found (in)

Choose the correct preposition.He pointed.. the pupil (to)

Choose the proper word.A paper that comes every day(daily)

Choose the proper word and word-combination mind synonyms. To take an examination in English(to pass an examination in English)

Choose English equivalents to the following Russian one. Это исключается (it is out of the question)

Choose the correct English equivalent.Подметать пол (to sweep the floor)

Choose English equivalent to the following Russian one. Что-то случилось с.. (something has gone wrong with)

Choose the proper Russian equivalent to9.To be laid up with a disease(слечь от какой-то болезни)

Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence. If you will miss the train (don`t hurry)

Choose English equivalents to the following Russian one. Плохо обращаться с кем- либо (to ill-treat somebody)

Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence. Last night i.. treied and.. to bed very early (fell.went)

Choose the proper article. To be in.. hospital (-)Choose the proper article.To live in.. country(the)

Choose English equivalents to the following Russian one. Это не уважительная причина (that`s a poor excuse)

Choose English equivalent to the following Russian one. Не выпьете ли вы с нами чаю? (you will have some tea with us. Won`t you?)

Choose English equivalent to the following Russian one. Гостиная комната(living room)

Choose the word or the word-combination closet in meaning. To be good at a subject (to have good command of a subject)

Compound.. may be endocentric and exocentric (nouns)

Complete the sentences are from. The action takes place in south Africa lanny swart. A young coloured man. Was sent by his village folk to study in Cape town (return)

Complete the following sentence. The thief was one us (mind the text The dinner party )(one of my uncle Octavian`s friends)

Complete the following sentence. Mr caswell was..(a doctor)

Complete the sentence. T returned home and a did little work on the scenario it. Very.. it was fine scenario (was\easy)

Eliminate the extra word. Bed, sofa, lamp, nursery, mirror (nursery)

Eliminate the extra word. Act, crop, balcony, cast, pit (crop)

Express in one word. A place of higher education both in the USA and GB (college)

Express in one word. To fight with a long thin pointed sword as a sport (fencing)

Find the antonym of the word `to arrive`(to leave)

Fill in the correct article.He has.. breakfast early in the morning (-)

Fill in prepositions or adverbs. The students are proud.. their college(of)

Find the synonym of the word `awful` (terrible)

Finish the following sentence. When he read a letter in his box he hurried round the corner to telephone office(where sat Grace)

Give antonym.To be away from((to be present)


Oxford and Cambridge are(independent)

Various lexical units of lexicology are (morphemes, word, word combination)

Insert prepositions or post-verbal nouns. We have a nica flat-the centre the town(in\ of)

The research methods used in lexicology have always been closely connected with.. (the general trends in linguistics)

These sentences are from.The action takes place in south Africa lanny swart a young man was sent by his village .(Return)

Use the correct form of the passive voice. Chalk.. for writing on the blackboard

(is used)

Use the correct form of the verb` to be`. The students.. from China.(are)

Use the right pronoun. I am delighted. Tom has made… mistakes in the test.(few)


Вариант №2.

Choose the correct question to the underline words. The students have already gone home (where have they gone?)

Choose the word or the word-combination closet in meaning. Перестать читать (to stop reading)

Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence.I..my homework when mother came home(was doing)

Choose the proper article. Every mother wants … childhood for her child (a)

Choose the right translation of. Темно не иди домой одна (it is dark don`t go home alone)

Choose the proper English equivalents to.Выступать за команду (to compete for the team)

The most modern Universities are (open)

Shakespeare lived during the reign of (Queen Elizabeth 1)

Finish the following sentence.The story spread over the ship it was a fine joke that Mr.Inow all had been caught out but mrs ramsay to her cabin (with a bad mood)

When the art student came the following week, saq a drawing on the table.The main character of the text is.. (Jack)

Like most students he needed money doctor caswell kelp his promise.The main character of the text is (Frank swain)

I happened to know all about it, because I was executor of the will of barton`s aunt.This sentence is fom the text (Wager with destiny)

The Welsh call their country(cimru)

Junior school begins with children are.. years age (7)

Complete the following sentence.The author of the text `the Banks of the Socramento (O.Henry)

Complete the following sentence. Andrew Manson, … has come to work in a small miners` town in wales (old experienced man)

A sea –bred boy wouldn` have stayed a day on the isle which is only a tidal isled.and can be entered and left twice in every twenty-four hours.This sentence is from the text (Surprise)

Complete the following sentence.Alec called the boy to..(mind the text A foul play) (his cabin)


Complete the following sentence. Mrs Forestier was convinied to her dying day that her husband had been a very.. gentleman (gallant)

Choose the correct modal verb. He looks so pale he..ill (must be)

Choose the correct model verb.They went there where they.. the film (could see)

Choose te correct infinitive. I am sorry..you (to meet)

Complete the following sentence. I knew that Gavin adored his father and I had heard whispers that all was not well with the (Mayor`s business)

Complete the following sentence. His face was very white and there were darks areas(under his eyes)

Express in one word.A kind of jam (marmalade)

Choose the correct preposition. To sit … a table (at)

Fill in the correct form of the verb `to be`. My grandmother… the kindest person i`ve ever seen (is)

Find the correct form of the noun.The cat has caught two (-)

Choose the correct verb. The Olympic Games… in 4 years. (are held)

Choose the suitable word. Most of these are let to producing managements on a..(Coomercial)

Choose English equivalent to the word.Репертуар (repertoire)

Choose English equivalent to the word.Голландский язык(dutch)

Choose the word opposite in meaning. To do homework orally (to do homework in writing)

Express in one word.A small room with the shelves in a house where food kept (pantry)

Eliminate the extra word. Tiger, lion, swine, bear, wolf (swine)

Express in one word. A wool producing country in Britain (the Cheviots)

Express in one word0A wool producing country in GB (the Cheviots)

Choose the suitable word. In the XIX century Akmola was a popular trading and economic steppe (centre)

Eliminate the extra word. Island. harbour, ship, coast, gardening (gardening)

Choose the correct word. A sea voyage from port to port (cruise)

Choose the word close in meaning Eager (a nxious)

Choose the word opposite meaning To be in fashion (to be out of fashion)

Choose the correct preposition. I was bored…death (to)

Choose the correct preposition Compulsory education begins… 5 years (at)

Choose the word opposite in meaning. Vacant (engaged)

Choose the word in meaning. Appreciate (value)

Choose the suitable word. Fruit-growing is extensively (carried on)

Choose the proper English equivalent to.Послушай (look here)

Choose the proper English equivalent to.Пусть каждый останется при своем мнении (let`s agree to differ)

Choose the correct expressions in on word. Difficulty in digesting food (indigestion)

Choose the proper article. I seem to be suffering from all-illness imaginable (the)

Choose the word in meaning. To master the language (to speak language)

Choose the correct definition of the word Mind(a person’s way of thinking)

Choose the correct paraphrase. The most vital job (the most important, necessary and urgent job)

Choose the proper English equivalent to.Записаться к врачу (to take an appointment with a doctor)

Choose the proper English equivalent to. Приемная (a waiting room)

Choose the proper English equivalent to.Отчаяние (despair)

Choose the proper English equivalent to.Как сказать (i`ll depend on)
Choose the proper Russian equivalent. Rewarding work (благородная работа)

Choose the proper Russian equivalent. What`s your line? (чем ты занимаешься?)

Choose the proper Russian equivalent. To stay awake(бодрствовать)

Choose the proper Russian equivalent. To get in tempers (рассердиться)

Choose the proper Russian equivalent. To preserve one`s life(беречь жизнь)

Choose the correct paraphrase. To go in for teaching(to be in teaching)

Choose the correct type of syllable. Note (I тип, условно открытый)

Choose the word or the word-combination opposite in meaning. Instead of(in place of)

Choose the word or the word-combination opposite in meaning. Indoors (out of doors)

Choose the proper English equivalent to. Распологайтесь как дома (make yourself at home)

Choose the proper Russian equivalent to. Look ahead! (берегись)

Choose the proper Russian equivalent to. To flush (краснеть)


Вариант 3

Choose the proper article.The living room is… largest room in our flat (the)

Choose English equivalents to following Russian one. Дела шли все хуже и хуже (things went from bad to worse)

Choose the correct from of he verb for the following sentence.He… to the south a week ago (went)

Choose the word and word-combination opposite in meaning. To see the old year out (to see the new year in)

Choose the word or the word-combination closet in meaning. Sincerely (genuinely)

Choose the word or the word-combination closet in meaning. Graiifying (rewarding)

Comprehensive schools were introduced in (1965)

The smallest meaningful unit of form is called (morpheme)

Couldn`t help thinking of his table when the other day I saw George Ramsay lunching in a restaurant. This sentence is from the text.. (The ant and the grasshopper)

Complete the following sentence: suppose every family has a black sheep in the family it had been…(Tom)

Complete the following sentence:.. and wondered what would happen when his money was spent(his relations were shocked)

Complete the following sentence: I was young man and I lived in a modest apartment in (London)

There are…(parts in GB (4)

Cardiff is situated near the mouth of the river ..(Taff)

Complete the following sentence: She was too excited to tell him the story clearly and..(bill couldn`t understand anything first)

Complete the following sentence: I must go to Oakland to see(my brother)

The princess was still smiling, though less easily she was unused to asking for things twice the silence continued, I still that it could only a practical joke.(The dinner party)

Complete the following sentence: Oh, yes Aubrey arranged for someone to be there to photograph me he thought (it would help to collect a crowd)

Complete the following sentence: Each morning, when the routine of opening his shop was completed> it was the proprietor`s custom to perch on a high stool, behind the counter.., and digest the day news (unfold his morning paper)

Complete the following sentence: He thought the matter over from every point of view and the next day he want to look for a suitable (shop)

Complete the following sentence: Cloude and Carl were very poor they lived on the money which they.. from time to time for their sketches (got)

Complete the following sentence: As you like it by W. Shakespeare: They were… and … beautiful (cousins\both were)

Complete the following sentence: Jerry… and.. let the car go and the drum began to go round and round (slowly\ carefully)

Complete the sentence: Sladen Morris is the boy ..(next door)

All that afternoon Andrew went about his work regretting the promise he had given he was a mad man, this Denny, who would, sooner or later, get him into serious trouble. These sentences are from the text…(The explosion)

Even, if I had sat down to think might have guessed the secret but for the fishers, I might have left my bones there. These sentences are from the text (The shipwreck)

Choose the correct verb: The boy… the next day(was operated)

Choose the correct modal verb.


Вариант 1.

• Один из самых выдающихся представителей прямого метода. Я. Каменский

• Этот метод считается самым старым методом обучения. Грамматико-переводной метод.

• Грамматико-переводной метод использовался ещё при обучении. Латинскому и греческому языкам

• Обучение иностранным языкам в средней школе преследует следующие цели. Образовательную, воспитательную, развивающую, практическую

• Определите цель обучения и.я., которая заключается в овладении школьниками речевой коммуникативной деятельностью. Практическая

• Определите способ достижения образовательной цели при обучении и.я. Через коммуникативно-познавательную деятельность учащегося, которая формируется в процессе практического овладения языком.

• Для предоставления грамм. игр в структурах лучше всего использовать. Кубики

• Определите способ обеспечения интенсивного развития мышления. Через преподавание на высоком уровне трудности, быстром темпе, осознание уч-ся своих учебных целей.

• При произнесении звуков с ошибками учитель просит произнести их уч-ся. Индивидуально и хором.

• При подготовке к уроку учитель должен ознакомиться … для данного урока. С учебным материалом.

• Изучение поурочного плана и методических указаний к нему осуществляются с целью знакомства… С образцом урока, его структурой и приёмами учебной работы.

• В учебный материал для дошкольников включаются слова и предложения, связанные с… Детской деятельностью.

• Новая лексика отрабатывается на уроке. Обязательно хором.

• Способности, проявляющиеся в умении учителя устанавливать педагогически целесообразные отношения с уч-ся, их родителями, коллегами, руководителями учебного заведения. Коммуникативные.

• Главная функция учителя. Управление процессами воспитания, обучения, образования, развития.

• Объем информации о себе, об об-ся и их родителях, об опыте работы др. педагогов. Информационная компетентность.

• Разделы общей психологии. Общие основы, теория воспитания, дидактика, школоведение.

• Отрасль пед. науки, изучающая состояние и развитие теории и практики воспитания и обучения на разных ступенях развития человеческого общества. История педагогики

• Методы анализа исследователем дневников, сочинений, творческих работ уч-ся. Изучение продуктов деятельности.

• Ответное действие организма на раздражение. Рефлекс

• Научно поставленный опыт преобразования пед. процесса в точно учитываемых условиях. Эксперимент

• Границы подросткового периода. С 11-12лет до 14-15.

• Автор «золотого правила» дидактики. Я.А. Каменский

• Процесс обучения. Деятельность учителя и уч-ся, направленная на сознательное и прочное усвоение ЗУН.

• Метод обучения, при котором учитель ставит перед учениками проблему, сам доказывает пути её решения, раскрывая возникающие противоречия. Проблемное изложение.

• Составной компонент контроля. Проверка

• Choose the proper article: …Wilsons live in this house. The

• Choose the proper article: …Professor Kuznetzov lectures on English phonetics. –-

• Choose the proper article: … The living room is … largest room in our flat. The

• Choose the correct question to the underlined words: The students have already gone home. Where have they gone?

• The British national sport in summer is… cricket

• In Great Britain there are …. variants of English. 2

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