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Here is a list of important dates in the development of the English language. The selection of events is my own, and the dates are approximate in some cases, but it gives at least some idea of the time-scales involved, and puts the developments into some sort of perspective.
c.6000 BC
| Britain cut off from continental Europe by English Channel
| Before English
c.5000 BC
| Proto-Indo-Europeans living in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
c.1000 BC
| Germanic Indo-European tribes living in parts of modern-day Germany
c.500 BC
| Celts inhabit much of Europe, and beginning to colonize the British Isles
55 BC
| First Roman raids on Britain under Julius Caesar
43 AD
| Roman occupation of Britain under Emperor Claudius (beginning of Roman rule of Britain)
| Roman withdrawal from Britain
| Anglo-Saxon settlement (Angles, Frisians, Saxons, Jutes) of Britain begins
| Old English
| Earliest Old English inscriptions
| St. Augustine arrives in Britain (beginning of Christian conversion of the Anglo-Saxons)
| Anglo-Saxon language covers most of modern-day England
| “Cжdmon's Hymn” composed in Old English
| The Venerable Bede writes “The Ecclesiastical History of the English People” (in Latin)
| Viking raids of Britain begin
| Old English epic poem “Beowulf” composed
| The Danes launch full-scale invasion and occupy Northumbria
| Alfred the Great becomes king of Wessex, encourages English prose and translation of Latin works
| “The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle” is begun
| Danelaw established, dividing Britain into Anglo-Saxon south and Danish north
| Charles II of France grants Normandy to the Viking chief Hrolf the Ganger (the beginning of Norman French)
| The oldest surviving manuscript of “Beowulf” dates from this period
| The Norman conquest under William the Conqueror
| Middle English
| “Domesday Book” compiled
| London becomes de facto capital of England
| The oldest surviving manuscripts in Middle English date from this period
| Eleanor of Aquitaine, French wife of Henry II, becomes Queen Consort of England
| “The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle” discontinued
| Oxford University established
| The “Ormulum” text of the monk Orm completed
| King John loses the province of Normandy to France
| Cambridge University established
| The Black Death kills one third of the British population
| The Statute of Pleading replaces French with English as the language of law (although records continue to be kept in Latin)
| English is used in English Parliament for the first time
| William Langland writes “Piers Plowman”
| John Wycliffe publishes his English translation of “The Bible”
| English replaces Latin as main language in schools (except Universities of Oxford and Cambridge)
| Chaucer begins “The Canterbury Tales”
| Henry IV becomes first English-speaking monarch since before the Conquest
| The Great Vowel Shift begins
| Early Modern English
| William Caxton establishes the first English printing press
| Start of English Renaissance
| William Tyndale prints his English translation of the New Testament of “The Bible”
| “The Great Bible” published
| First version of “The Book of Common Prayer” published
| William Shakespeare writes his first plays
| Robert Cawdrey publishes the first English dictionary, “A Table Alphabeticall”
| Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, established
| The Authorized, or King James Version, of “The Bible” is published
| Death of William Shakespeare
| Publication of the first English-language newspaper, the “Courante” or “Weekly News”
| First Folio of Shakespeare’s works is published
| Publication of the first daily English-language newspaper, “The Daily Courant”, in London
| Samuel Johnson publishes his “Dictionary of the English Language”
| Britain wrests control of Canada from the French
| Late Modern English
| Last native speaker of the Celtic Cornish language dies
| George Washington defeats Cornwallis at Yorktown and Britain abandons its American colonies
| British penal colony established in Australia
| First publication of “ The Times” newspaper in London
| Noah Webster publishes “The American Spelling Book”
| First English settlement at the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
| Lewis and Clark document exploration of routes to American West
| Noah Webster publishes his “The American Dictionary of the English Language”
| Abolition of slavery in the British Empire
| British colony established in new Zealand
| United States ends slavery after Civil War
| British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) founded
| First edition of the “Oxford English Dictionary” is published
| India and Pakistan gain independence from Britain
| Sir Ernest Gowers’ “The Complete Plain Words” published
| Second edition of the “Oxford English Dictionary” is published