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Задание 4. Закончите следующие предложения, используя текстTorque Converters.

1. A torque converter is....

2. Constructionally a torque converter is....

3. Torque converter consists of....

4. Drive lines consist of....

5. The purpose of the drive line is....

6. The propeller shaft is….

7. The propeller shaft design must take into consideration two facts: ….


Задание 5. Найдите ответ, соответствующий содержанию текста.


1. What function does a torque converter perform?

2. What kinds of ratios does a torque converter provide?

3. To what is a torque converter similar constructionally?

4. Of what does a torque converter consist?

5. What is the purpose of the drive line?

6. What is the function of a propeller shaft?

Задание 6. Передайте содержание текста на английском языке, используя вопросы задания 5 как план пересказа.

При ответе используйте следующие выражения:

the text is about...; the text deals with the problem...; the main problem of the text is...; I know that...; it is a well-know fact...; it is worth mentioning...; as for the problem of...; it should be noted, that….



Текст 26


Задание 1. Слушайте и повторяйте:

flexible chain utilize journal equip surface hinge yoke spider trunnion arm swing needle spline endwise [′ fleksə bl] [tʃ ein] [′ ju: tilaiz] [′ dʒ ə: nə l] [i′ kwip] [′ sə: fis] [hindʒ ] [jə uk] [′ spaidə ] [′ trʌ njə n] [ɑ: m] [swiŋ ] [′ ni: dl] [′ splain] [′ endwaiz] гибкий цепь использовать цапфа, шейка вала, шип, пята оборудовать поверхность навеска, петля вилка крестовина цапфа плечо (рычаг), рычаг качаться, поворачиваться игла, спица, стрелка шпоночное соединение, паз, шлиц концом вперед, вверх, стоймя, прямо, отвесно

Задание 2. Найдите соответствующий вариант перевода каждого английского словосочетания:


A. Driving wheels; flexible drive systems; chain drive vehicle; basic design; roller bearing; double-hinged joint; -v-shaped yoke; driving shafts; driven shaft; slip joint; hollow shafts; rear axle.

B. Полый вал; роликовый подшипник; ведущие колеса; основная конструкция; ведущий вал; задняя ось; кардан со скользящей вилкой (скользящее соединение); ведомый вал; гибкая система управления; двухшарнирное соединение (петля); транспортное средство c цепным приводом; V-образная вилка.


Задание 3. Прочтите текст " Universal Joints" и найдите в нем ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Для какой цели служат универсальные шарниры в автомобилях?

2. Kaк работают универсальные шарниры?




As the automobile engine is ordinarily mounted on the frame and the driving wheels are free to move up and down in relation to the frame, it is necessary to have some sort of flexible drive system between the engine and drive wheels. In early vehicles of the chain drive type, the flexible chain was so mounted that it could compensate for relative movement between the frame and wheels.

With the adoption of shaft drive it became necessary to utilize universal joints for this purpose. While universal joints are said to have been used as early as the 13th century, it was not until after 1500 that Cardan developed the basic design used today. Modern designs are based on the Cardan principle but are highly developed in design, material and construction. Many of them are roller bearings on the journals and are equipped with effective sealing devices to keep lubricant in and dirt out of the bearing surfaces.

A simple universal joint is a double-hinged joint consisting of two - V - shaped yokes, one on the driving shaft and the other on the driven shaft, and a cross-shaped member called the spider. The four arms of the spider, known as trunnions, are assembled into bearings in the ends of the two shaft yokes. The driving shaft causes the spider to rotate, and the other two trunnions of the spider cause the driven shaft to rotate.

When the two shafts are at an angle to each other, the bea­rings in the yokes permit the yokes to swing round on the trunnions with each revolution. A variety of universal joints have been used on automobiles, but the two types now in most common use are the spider and two-yoke design and ball-and-trunnion design.

The spider and two-yoke is essentially the same as the simple universal joint, except that bearings are often of the needle type.

Slip Joint. A slip joint consists of outside splines on one shaft and matching internal splines on the mating hollow shaft. The splines cause the two shafts to rotate together but permit the two to move endwise with each other. This accomodates any effective change of length of the propeller shaft as the rear axles move toward or away from the car frame.


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