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Проблема в том, что средняя цена по рынку за такой сервис — 800 руб/мес или почти 15 000 руб за год. И это минимальный функционал.
Нашли самый бюджетный и оптимальный вариант: сервис VisitTime.⚡️ Для новых пользователей первый месяц бесплатно. А далее 290 руб/мес, это в 3 раза дешевле аналогов. За эту цену доступен весь функционал: напоминание о визитах, чаевые, предоплаты, общение с клиентами, переносы записей и так далее. ✅ Уйма гибких настроек, которые помогут вам зарабатывать больше и забыть про чувство «что-то мне нужно было сделать». Сомневаетесь? нажмите на текст, запустите чат-бота и убедитесь во всем сами! Autoмoвile structure
There are numerous types of motor vehicles: passenger cars, buses, trucks, tractors and others. Each of them serves quite a definite purpose. Every automobile has the following components: engine, power train, chassis, body. The engine is the power plant of the vehicle. It makes the car wheel rotate and the car move. In general, internal - combustion engines are used operating with some fuel (petrol, benzol, diesel, oil). Depending on their combustion process, the engines are fundamentally classified as carburettor engines and diesel engines. Sometimes the carburettor engines are called heavy-oil engines. Another difference results from the working method of the internal-combustion engine. A difference is made, between four-stroke cycle engine and two-stroke cycle engine. Everу engine includes the electric, fuel, cooling and lubricating systems. The chassis consists of a power train and a frame with axles, wheels and steering system as well. The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels and consists of the clutch, gear- box or transmission, propeller shaft, rear axle, final drive, differential and axle shafts. The body has a hood and fenders and accessories: the heater, lights, radio, windshield wiper, convertible top raiser and so on.
Задание 5. Выразите ту же мысль с помощью оборота there is/there are: 1. Every automobile has an engine, a chassis and a body. 2. The engine is the power plant of the vehicle. 3. A difference is made between four-stroke cycle engine and two-stroke cycle engine. 4. Every engine includes the electric, fuel, cooling and lubricating systems. 5. The chassis includes the brake system and the steering system.
Задание 6. Найдите в тексте все словосочетания, образованные по модели N + N и переведите их. Задание 7. Изложите основное содержание текста с помощью данной ниже схемы-плана. 1. The engine is... 2. In general, internal-combustion engines are used... 3. Sometimes the carburettor engines are called... 4. Another difference results from... 5. The chassis includes... 6. The power train carries the power... 7. The body has...
Задание 8. Используя рис. 3, опишите строение автомобиля.