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Vocabulary. G 1. advantage 2. disadvantage, limitation 3


1. advantage 2. disadvantage, limitation 3. air-breathing engine   4. jet engine 5. rocket engine 6. ramjet engine 7. pulsejet engine 8. gas-turbine engine 9. turbojet engine 10. turboprop engine 11. turbofan engine 12. turboshaft engine 13. to belong 14. application 15. to boost 16. combustion chamber 17. compressor (axial, centrifugal) 18. to compare 19. in comparison (with) 20. complicated 21. to cool 22. to deliver 23. to differ (from) 24. to eject 25. essential 26. feature 27. fuel 28. fuel consumption 29. inlet assembly 30. load-carrying capacity 31. nozzle (exhaust) 32. propellant 33. solid propellant 34. liquid propellant 35. to be similar (to) 36. to utilize   - преимущество - недостаток - воздушно-реактивный двигатель - реактивный двигатель - ракетный двигатель - приточный двигатель - пульсирующий двигатель - газотурбинный двигатель - турбореактивный двигатель - турбовинтовой двигатель - турбовентиляторный двигатель - турбовальный двигатель - принадлежать - применение - ускорять - камера сгорания - компрессор (осевой, центробежный - сравнить - по сравнению (с) - сложный - охлаждать - доставлять - отличаться (от) - выбрасывать, выпускать - основной - черта, особенность - топливо - расход топлива - входное устройство - грузоподъемность - выхлопное сопло - ракетное топливо - твердое ракетное топливо - жидкое ракетное топливо - быть) похожим (на) - использовать  

Speech Patterns

1. It is known that … 2. To my mind 3. I think 4. As a rule 5. You are right 6. I’m of the same opinion 7. I can’t agree with you   - Известно, что … - По-моему … - Я думаю - Как правило - Вы правы … - Я такого же мнения - Я не могу согласиться с вами

² Phonetic Drill

Exercise 1. Read the following words. Pay attention to their pronunciation.

- capacity, expand, comparison;

- various, air, compare, care;

- application, special, propulsion, machine;

- mixture, feature, actually, approach;

- majority, engine, jet, project;

- liquid, equivalent, quality, quantity.


Exercise 2. Phonetic exercises.

- Listen to the words from the text.

- Read the words repeating them after the speaker.

- Read the words using the transcription.

- Read the words without using the transcription.


advantage [ə d'va: ntidʒ ] air-breathing ['ε ə 'bri: ð iŋ ] engine ['en(d)ʒ in] gas-turbine ['gæ s'tə: bin] turbojet ['tə: bo(u)'dʒ et] turboprop ['tə: bo(u)'prop] turbofan ['tə: bo(u)'fæ n] belong [bi'loŋ ] boost [bu: st] eject [i: 'dʒ ekt] essential [i'sen∫ (ə)l ] feature ['fi: t∫ ə ] fuel [fjuə l] consumption[kə n'sʌ m(p)∫ (ə)n] inlet ['inlet] assembly [ə 'sembli] chamber [' t∫ eimbə ] combustion [kə m'bʌ st∫ (ə)n]  


Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word – combinations.


- air-breathing engine, type of an air-breathing engine, the simplest type of air-breathing engines;

- wide application, wide application in aviation, wide application in military aviation;

- fuel consumption, high fuel consumption, low fuel consumption, turbojets’ high fuel consumption;

- rocket engine, liquid-propellant rocket engine, modern liquid-propellant rocket engine, solid-propellant rocket engine.

- complete supply, fuel supply system, oil supply system, rocket propulsion system;

- gas turbine engine, pilotless military weapons, fuel - air mixture, auxiliary power plant, conventional power plant;

- high speed military aircraft, low speed military aircraft, large multi-engine aircraft, high pressure gases.


- flight time, wing design, engine characteristics, helicopter engine, pressure rise, cooling system;

- aircraft wing load, shaft rotation speed, ballistic rocket trajectory, aircraft steam engine, better engine performances, gas turbine installation, turbine inlet temperature;

- solar ultra-violet radiation, high temperature and high-pressure gases, a nine-pressure compressor, high thrust-to-weight ratio, improved supersonic specific fuel consumption.

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