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Reproduce these pieces of explanation on different kinds of classes choosing the right words from the columns. Speak about the kinds of work you do at University.
University offers theoretical and practical work. Theoretical course (a)_________ lectures. A lecture is a talk given in order to teach people about a (b)___________ subject. At the lectures you take notes. Those who miss a lecture usually copy up the (c)__________ if they wish to be successful at the exam. Practical course consists of practicals, seminars, laboratory works and tutorials. A practical is a class in which you make things or do experiments rather than (d)_______ write. A seminar is a class in which the teacher and a small group of students (e)_________ a topic. When you have seminars, you spend a lot of time in the reading-hall revising the material. A laboratory work means carrying out scientific (f)_______ and research. A tutorial is a regular meeting for a tutor and a small group of students.
4. Work in pairs. Restore the dialogue between two first-year students Alex and Ben talking about their university studies from the questions below:
A: What subjects are studied at the University? B: … A: Should we attend all lectures, seminars and practicals? B: … A: And what happens if a student misses some? B: … A: We are to take examinations twice a year, aren’t we? B: … A: What happens if a student fails in a subject? B: …
5. Work in pairs. Restore the dialogue between Alex and Ben from the replies below. Now they are talking about their learning English. Use the word combinations in brackets.
A: … (to learn English)? B: Yes, but I don’t have enough time for it. I have so many other things to do. A: … (to be good at something)? B: I am pretty good at reading English but I still find it difficult to speak English fluently. And I don’t always understand people when they speak English to me. A: … (to watch English programs on TV)? B: Certainly. That helps me to understand spoken English but not to speak English. A: … (to speak English often) B: Unfortunately, not. But I realize it’s the best way to master a language.
6. Restore the dialogue matching the questions and the replies, given below:
7. Work in groups. Read the opinions of two experienced teachers of English and discuss which pieces of advice are the most useful ones. Find which words or phrases mean: a) you won’t make much progress……………..? b) become angry because you can’t do what you want to do ………………? c) see and pay attention to ……………? d) often and carefully, and in an organized way ……………? e) alone, without help ………………? f) do something that makes you seem stupid ……………..?
What's the secret of successful language learning?
8. Find and read aloud those parts of the text which are concerned with:
a) the history of BSUIR, b) the faculties and the departments of the University, c) the teaching staff of the University, d) subjects taught at the University.
OUR UNIVERSITY On September 1, 1964 Minsk Radioengineering Institute admitted students for the first time. The youngest Institute of the Republic was established on the basis of the oldest Polytechnic Institute of the Republic of Belarus. It was assigned to meet the demand of the Republic in highly qualified specialists for evolving national radioelectronic industry. In 1993 Minsk Radioengineering Institute was granted the status of university and celebrated its 30th anniversary as the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Within this period BSUIR has trained thousands of engineers, doctors and candidates of science. Over 11 thousand students from the country and outside study at its 9 faculties: the Faculty of Computer-Aided Design, the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control, the Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics, the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks, the Faculty of Telecommunication, the Faculty of Engineer Economics, the Faculty of Extramural, Evening and Distance Education, the Pre-University Preparation and Occupational Guidance Faculty, the Military Faculty. Now BSUIR prepares engineering staff on 22 specialities in the field of computer facilities, computer science, radio engineering, microelectronics, telecommunications automated systems, artificial intelligence, medical electronics, and economy. The educative process and scientific research are conducted by highly competent teaching staff that consists of professors, assistant professors, lecturers and teachers. They give lectures, hold seminars and have practicals with the students in various subjects: physics, higher mathematics, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, etc. Special attention is given to such subjects as computing technology, impulse techniques, analogue and digital computers, theoretical foundations of electroengineering. Nobody can deny vital importance of mastering foreign languages nowadays. English, French, German and Spanish are taught at the University. Students also have an opportunity to study a second foreign language and to advance in one of the foreign languages and to acquire the speciality of a translator. The University has all necessary facilities for teaching including up-to-date computers and laboratory equipment, robots, closed-circuit TV. A large electronic library is at the students’ disposal. To sum up, the University provides a good engineering education. The graduates of the University work at computer centres, design offices, industrial enterprises, research laboratories and institutes, joint ventures and banks. Agree or disagree with the following sentences, in your answers use the expressions of agreement or disagreement: 1. On September 1, 1964 Radioengineering Institute admitted students for the first time. 2. Minsk Radioengineering Institute was established on the basis of the Belarusian State University. 3. Minsk Radioengineering Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary as the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. 4. Over 7 thousand students study at 6 faculties and 34 departments. 5. The educative process is conducted by highly competent teaching staff. 6. The students of the University attend classes of physics, technical drawing, biology, geography.
9. In the following dialogue examine some unfinished pieces of argumentation and select among the given arguments the one that can be added in full accordance with the speaker’s viewpoint. Alex’s First Examinations Are Coming A: What university do you study at? B: The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. A: You’re doing your first year then, aren’t you? B: Yes, that’s right. I entered it last summer and I’m a first-year student of the Faculty of Computer-Aided Design. I’m very interested in studying radioelectronics but sometimes it’s rather difficult and … a) I can do everything in time. b) I don’t have much time even for my football practice. c) it seems easy for me to prepare for classes. A: Well, the things are always like that with University studies. B: I know you are graduating from the University, aren’t you, Nick? A: It’s not actually a university. I am in my last year at Technical College and, in addition, I often attend public lectures at the University of London. B: Is it true that your lectures in Great Britain are not compulsory? A: Well, yes, they are optional. B: You know, here to prepare well for the seminars and then for credits … a) I should take an active part in extra-curricular activities. b) I can miss some lectures and then just copy up notes. c) I need to attend all the lectures and to take notes of everything. A: You’ll have your first examinations soon, I guess. I can’t really remember how I passed my exams for the first time. But I reckon they were easy. B: Maybe they were easy enough for you but they will be much too hard for me. I’m dead certain I’ll fail in chemistry and descriptive geometry. A: Oh, come on. You’ll probably do better than you think. B: No, I’ve already flunked my credit in philosophy … a) It wasn’t really my thing. b) It was my favourite subject. c) I learned everything by heart. A: I guess it is difficult for everyone to try to interest oneself in subjects like that.
10. Work in pairs. Start the dialogue between George and Alex discussing their preparation for classes. Use the logical scheme offered below. A: Greeting. B: Greeting. A: Asking for information. B: Replying. Explaining one’s argument. A: Disapproval. B: Correcting someone: Well, in fact … Actually … As far as I know … A: Can’t you take the necessary books in the library? B: Of course, I can. But it’s better to work with a computer display than to read a book. Where do you prefer to do your home assignments? A: As for me, I like to get prepared for classes at the town library. Sorry, I must be off now. See you, Alex! B: See you!
11. Work in pairs. Continue the dialogue between Millie and Pete according to the logical scheme offered below. A: You know, I’ve got to get through the A level exams. I’ll worry about university if and when I ever get there. B: That’s the trouble with you. You always try to do everything at the last minute, you are a terrible procrastinator! A: And you are too serious; that’s your trouble. You never stop swotting. B: Correcting someone. A: Contradicting. B: Giving advice: If I were you, I’d … You’d better … Why don’t you … A: Refusing
12. Look through the information about digital learning from “Fast Lines at Digital High” by T. Michael Nevens. Think over the pros and cons of digital learning.
Today, with the help of computers and the Internet a lesson could be transformed from a one-way flow of information into an interactive process. Digital learning integrates technology, connectivity, and digital content into the curriculum. It helps students seek and use information in a creative way that gives both them and their teachers a new kind of educational experience. Although digital tools may never wholly replace the textbook, they could supplement and enhance learning in almost all grades and subjects because they have certain dynamic characteristics that help students take an active part in learning. Students can explore subjects in greater depth. Moreover, because digital content is available in various formats, it can be tailored to student’s individual learning style. Students who learn visually can rely more on charts and video; those who learn analytically can use text and data.
Notes: tointegrate – объединять creative – творческий to supplement – дополнять to enhance – улучшать to be tailored = to fit Answer the following questions:
1) What helps to transform a lesson into an interactive process? 2) Do you believe that digital tools may wholly replace the textbook? 3) Why can digital content be adapted to any student? 4) Do we use digital learning in our schools and universities?