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Prepositions with kinds of transport Предлоги с разными видами транспорта

by by car by train by bus by trolleybus by ship by lorry by plain by air on on boat on foot
off in to get off a bicycle, bus, train, tram to get in (to) a car, taxi
out of to get out of a car, a taxi  

Test 3

1. We live …a large stone house. 2. Give the book…your friend. 3. She works…an office. 4. Now he is…the station. 5. My friend lives…the north. 6. The children are…bed. 7. We buy food…the nearest shop. 8. We were …the theatre yesterday. 9. Were you…the lectures yesterday? `0. No, I was…the meeting. 11. The diagram is …page 5. 12. A very interesting programme is…TV tonight. 13. The plane arrives…New York …3. 14. The train leaves…Moscow…Monday. 15. Park your car …the back of the building 16. What was the weather like…your vacation? 17. This office is…the second floor. 18. …the evening I have dinner with my family. 19. We have a little court…the yard. 20.I usually phone…her…Wednesday morning. 21. Look…the picture of the actress…the next page. 22. We arrived…the theatre ten minutes later. 23. We guarantee the delivery…three weeks. 24. Go along the corridor, the office is…the left. 25. What hotel will you stay…? 26. They arrived… good time. 27. I am not keen…English food. 28.The company specializes…publishing geographical maps. 29. He succeeded…finding the house at once. 30. We were surprised…what he said. 31. Everybody laughed…the joke. 32. I work hard…my pronunciation. 33. Are you interested…literature? 34. How many students were present…the lesson? 35. We were greatly surprised…the present. 36. The men were…a hurry. 37. The parents were…trouble. 38. We are going to meet…the first of April. 39. They are…business. 40. She insists…speaking…you. 41. Many good things are…sale today. 42. Who is…duty? 43. We are…good terms with each other. 44. Are you…the phone? 45. What is…the radio? 46. What is…TV? 47. I am…your service. 48. I want a book…chemistry. 49. Help yourself…some biscuits, please. 50. Will you have a look…my watch? 51. Nell is good …mathematics. 52. Henry left the University …the age of 21. 53. I am not sure I’ll get there in time. It depends…traffic. 54. Now he always writes…his pen. 55. The windows…his room were open. 56. The roof…the house looked old. 57. The novel is written…a young writer. 58. They were surrounded…a group of tourists. 59. I am Russian… birth. 60. The room was decorated…flowers. 61. He makes a lot…mistakes in his tests. 62. He is a man…a quiet temper. 63. She is a woman…forty. 64. The spacious room was full…people. 65. She is fond…vegetables. 66. I go to the Institute…bus. 67. The hall is crowded…people. 68. Children…18 are not allowed to buy cigarettes 69. He did it…mistake. 70. I am wearing a jacket…my coat. 71. What time is…your watch? 72. We have time…a cup…coffee. 73. What’s the English…”картина”? 74. Do you get to your work …car or…tram? 75. I have a boiled egg and a cup…tea…breakfast. 76. At eight o’clock I leave…home…work 77. Stay…us…the weekend. 78. Let’s have our picnic…this fine tree. 79. Please come…my place…your brother. 80. The library has a large number…books.. 81. She usually has an apple…lunch. 82. I found you…difficulty. 83. America was discovered…Columbus. 84. “Hamlet” was written…Shakespeare. 85. We eat soup… a spoon. 86. He was angry…his wife. 87. What are you busy…? 88. We were delighted…the present. 89. We were disappointed…the present. 90. Who was he frightened…? 91. Are you ready…the conference? 92. I’m sorry…that. 93. He was killed…a knife. 94. Out…sight, out… mind. 95. He works…a big international company. 96. The story started…his returning home. 97. Keep in touch…us. 98. I hate the way she is always boasting…her wealthy parents. 99. Women have a feeling…these things. 100. This thing is good… nothing 101. He plays football…France. 102. They like this hotel…some reason. 103.The village is famous…hand-woven carpets. 104. I apologize…breaking your computer. 105. I paid…everyone’s coffee. 106. You should put up…the fact. 107. Divide 10…2. 108. Japan consists…many large and small islands. 109. Are you ready …the answer? 110. Have some ice-cream…pleasure. 111. Yes, what’s wrong…it? 112. The students of the group are never late…the lectures. 113. Are you through…your homework? 114. Who is responsible…that work? 115. I go…work…train every day. 116. Let’s come straight…the point. 117. The minister stated that no real alternative… the plan existed. 118.I prefer an apple …juice. 119. We got used…the new time-table. 120. I’ve never been… London. 121. Whom is she married…? 122. The key … the box was lost. 123. Pass the butter…me, please. 124. Our successes are due…the fact that we are working according…a definite plan 125.Something has happened…Mr. Smith. 126. I don’t like to get up early, and I never get up…eight. 127. Mail this letter…me, please. 128. She is not nice at all. I would not like to be married…her. 126. When are you going to get back…your vacation? 127. Don’t forget to switch the TV…when you go…bed. 128. My wife’s parents will stay with us…next Monday. 129. Call me…the evening as I’m usually out…the day. 130. This is a letter…my sister. 131. I want to clean the house…top…bottom. 132. The boy was expelled… school for bad behavior. 133. Take…your coat and come in. 134. Nobody has heard…him for about a week. 135. I object…your paying the account. 136. I want to get… the bottom of it. 137. Why were you absent…the lecture? 138. The boy is different…his father. 139. Cuckoos begin to call…sunrise. 140. Stars twinkled…the dark sky. 141. Mary suddenly left the room…a word. 142. The man was… to start when the bell rang. Отсутствие артикля 143. Pass me…the salt, please. 144. It suits...me. 145. Can you play…any musical instrument? 146. He didn’t want to marry… her. 147. Do you speak… English?    


Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

в три часа, в половине седьмого, на закате, на рассвете, в полночь, в полдень, девятого мая, первого сентября, в 2003 году, на Рождество, на прошлой неделе, в следующий раз, в среду, в четверг, в этом году, в прошлом году, в следующее воскресенье, в прошлую субботу, осенью, в следующий раз, летом, весной, вечером, утром, к пяти часам, к 2008 году, к завтрашнему дню, с прошлого года, перед лекцией, после уроков, около девяти часов, через неделю, в пять часов, к трем часам, с двух часов, в полдень, в полночь, к полудню, к полуночи, с прошлого года, в прошлом году, в этом году, в 2005 году, к пятому февраля, с утра, утром, к утру, с лета, летом, к лету, во вторник, в прошлую среду, к завтрашнему дню, на восходе солнца, со вчерашнего дня, в прошлый раз, в прошлом месяце, через год, через неделю


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