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Формулировка ТЗ.Определите значение слова ground в тексте и запишите его (им.п., ед.ч.).

В+ площадка



Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите заголовок для текста.

The specific territorial, geographic and climatic conditions of the country and big volumes of freight and passenger traffic over long distances make high requirements to the development and operation of the system, which embraces rail, river, sea, motor, pipeline and air transport.

Railway transport has always been the main method of transportation in our country and distinguished by a high carrying capacity, relatively low transportation costs, high speed and regularity of delivers.

At present, Russian railway transport is one of the major highly developed branches of national economy, incorporating 32 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations, a great number of production facilities, including locomotive and car-repair factories, and other industrial railway transport facilities.

In terms of freight turnover, volume of deliveries, length of electrified railways, rolling stock operation and other indicators Russian railway transport occupies the leading position in the world.

For a long time marked by an extensive development of the material and technical base of the Russian transport, with new powerful electric and diesel locomotives, heavy freight cars, containers, and latest railway automation, signalling and communication facilities were put into service.


B + Railway transport system of Russia.

B - Railway transport of the world.

B - Industrial transport facilities.

B - Railway automation.



Формулировка ТЗ.

Определите, какое предложение соответствует содержанию текста.

B + Particular attention is paid to regularity and volume of deliveries, rolling stock operation and freight turnover.

B - At present, USA railway transports is one of the major highly developed branches of national economy, incorporating 32 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations.

B - At present, Russian railway transports is one of the major highly developed branches of national economy, incorporating 50 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 railway stations.

B - In terms of freight turnover, volume of deliveries, length of electrified railways, rolling stock operation and other indicators Russian railway transport does not occupy the leading position in the world.





Заполните пропуск в предложении согласно тексту «Railway transport is considered to be one of the main means of _____________ in Russia.

(впишете одно слово)

B + transportation


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