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Exercise V. Explain the proper meaning of the particular English national notions below and translate them into Ukrai­nian.

A. №10. Downing Street, Whitehall, the Upper House, the Com­
mons, the woolsack, speaker, teller, whip (Parliament), division of Par­
liament, the White paper, the Stock Exchange; John Bull, the British
Lion; lobby; ladyship, lordship, peerage, coroner, proctor, bacon, York­
shire pudding, frankfurters, hot dogs; ale, gin; crown, farthing, guinea,
sixpence, private/independent school, comprehensive (grammar, mod­
ern) school, the 6th form; jeans, jersey, pullover, leggings, stretches,
tweed; calumet, wigwam; bushel, foot, inch, pint, sheriff.

B. Suggest possible ways for faithful conveying the mean­ ing of peculiarly American government offices and their princi­ pal officials in the passage below. Identify the ways of transla­ tion which you employ for the purpose.

The United States, unlike most other countries of Europe, Asia and America has no «government» but only an «administration» or to be more precise, a «president's administration». The latter in its turn


has no ministries and consequently no «ministers» but departments and secretaries performing the functions of ministries and ministers. Traditionally established in the USA are the following thirteen depart­ments: Agricultural Department, Commerce Department, Defence Department, Educational Department, Energy Department, Health and Human Services Department, Housing and Urban Development De­partment, Interior Department, Justice Department, Treasury Depart­ment, and Veterans Affairs Department. Each of these government institutions is headed respectively by an appointed leader, as an­nounced by the presidential secretary. The only exception is the Jus­tice Department which is headed not by a secretary but by the Attor­ney General. Almost all Secretaries have their Assistant Secretaries performing the functions of deputy ministers in other European and American governments. Exceptions from the list include only four de­partments which have Deputy Secretaries instead. These are Com­merce Department, Housing and Urban Development Department, Educational Department and Treasury Department. Still other depart­ments in the U.S. administration government have Under Secretaries performing the duties of assistant secretaries which correspond to the government positions occupied by deputy ministers in other coun­tries. To these departments belong the Commerce Department and Veterans Affairs Department. Secretary of the Interior Department, contrary to all others, has an Inspector General for the first assistant. But certainly the most peculiar are the duties of the Interior Depart­ment which include building roads, and overseeing the national park system, and not keeping law and order and fighting criminals, which the ministries of the interior are responsible for in other countries. These functions are performed in the U.S.A. by the F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation).

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