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She grew more and more її щодалі більше турбувала alarmed by the intrusion. (O'Dell) ця висадка/ це вторгнення.

Or as a predicative to the noun being the subject of the sen­tence as in the example below:

Some of the houses had their У деяких будинках вікна
windows broken.
(Cheever) були побиті.

3. By transplanting the participial complex to Ukrainian sen­tences having here identical predicative constructions:

When I returned I found the Прийшовши додому, я
fence broken and the house door застав паркан проломаним. а
opened. (O'Dell) хатні двері відчиненими.

Note. Care should be taken as not to confuse attributive con­structions of the V/l/Vlng pattern with those of the V/l/Ven pattern. The former are translated in two ways:

1) either with the help of a subordinate clause (when the noun is followed by the present participle):

He looked at his father listen- Він глянув на батька, що ing with a kind of painful despera- слухав його з якимсь болісним tion. (Cronin) відчаєм.

2) or with the help of an identical attributive construction (when the noun is followed by the past participle):

He had seen towns destroyed Він побачив міста,
by bombing. (Cheever) зруйновані бомбардуваннями.

lated into Ukrainian much like the above-treated subjective with the infinitive secondary predication constructions. There is, however, some difference between the action expressed by the NV.nf pattern constructions and the action expressed by the subjective with the participle N/l/Vlng pattern construction. The latter also in Ukrainian expresses an action in process. For example:

Чули, що він співав. Чули, як/коли він співав.

He was heard to sing.

He was heard singing.

English simple sentences with the subjective present partici­ple constructions are mostly transformed in Ukrainian into a com­plex sentence introduced by the one-member indefinite-personal prin­cipal clause or by the infinitive performing the same syntactic func­tion. The introductory/principal clauses and infinitives are Кажуть/ Як кажуть; Повідомляють; Повідомляється, що; Очікується, що/Очікують, що.

This kind of transformations has to be performed when the present participle in the secondary predication construction is used with the verbs of saying/reporting or with the verbs of physical or mental perceptions (to see, to hear, to know, etc.) The principal clause then (the single verb indefinite personal sentence) is followed by an object subordinate clause:

Бачили,... як він притулявся своїми теплими вустами до мармурового чола античної статуї. Чули, як вони вдвох розмовляли, а Мейтлод,

He had been seen... press­ing his warm lips to the marble brow of an antique statue. (O.Wilde)

сидячи поруч, обмахувала його газетою «Світло». Очікується, що пізно в суботу ввечері або вже в неділю на нараді ЄЕР буде прийняте остаточне рішення на пропозицію президента Клінтона.

They were heard talking to­gether. Maitlaud beside him, fan­ning him with a copy of the Light. (Cronin)

The EEC meeting is expected to take its final decision on presi-

dent Clinton's proposal late on Saturday or on Sunday. (Guard­ian International)

В. Ways of Translating the Subjective with the Participle Constructions

The subjective with the participle (or the nominative with the participle constructions, as they are traditionally called) are trans-

The subjective with the past participle constructions which are used in English with the verbs to appear, to seem, to have etc., do not require considerable structural transformations in the process of translation into Ukrainian. Their meaning is usually conveyed by



means of the same simple sentences as in English, with the past participle turned into the predicate verb:

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