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COMPILERS Dr. M. Ertugrul, Dr. L. Kiziyeva, MSc. R. Suliyev





УДК 004.3 (075.8)

ББК 32.973.202. я73




Утверждено и рекомендовано Ученым Советом Университета имени Сулеймана Демиреля, протокол № 1 от 01.09.2010


Авторы: Кизиева Лариса Александровна

Эртугрул Меликшах

Расим Сулиев



К Кизиева Л.А. Эртугрул М. Сулиев Р. Проектирование цифровых систем. Лабораторные работы (Описания и образцы тестовых заданий). Алматы, 2011-61с.


ISBN 9965-792-50-X



ISBN 9965-792-50-X ã Кизиева Л.А., Эртугрул М. Сулиев Р., 2011

ã Университет имени

Сулеймана Демиреля, 2011




1. Preface and preliminaries.......................................................... 2-4

2. Lab work 1............................................................................... 5-8

3. Lab work 2............................................................................. 9-12

4. Lab work 3........................................................................... 13-16

5. Lab work 4........................................................................... 17-20

6. Lab work 5........................................................................... 21-23

7. Lab work 6........................................................................... 24-26

8. Lab work 7........................................................................... 27-30

9. Lab work 8........................................................................... 31-34

10. Lab work 9 35-38

11. Lab work 10 39-42

12. Lab work 11 43-46

13. Lab work 12 47-50

14. Lab work 13 51-54

15. Lab work 14 55-57

16. Literature 58





Laboratory works on the course “CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGIES” are worked out for provision of more deep understanding of basic digital circuits’ operation. They cover such circuits as logic gates, code converters, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexres, adders, flip-flops. They are used to improve students’ investigation skills.

In process of lab works’ performance students must improve their skills of analysis and synthesis of digital circuits, investigate modes of their operation. The important part of the student’s work is Scheme Design System application for the schemes’ preparation. Doing the lab works students must understand the functionality of the circuits deeply and to be sure that it operates in full correspondence with its theoretical description. Lab works can be very helpful to provide hands-on reinforcement of the theoretical knowledge.

Performance of lab works provides presence and development the students’ skills to mount electronic schemes, to treat with measuring instruments and evaluate their readings correctly. The students must obtain skills to define the function of chips and how to treat with them. Throughout the labs, the standard integrated circuits are used to provide students’ proficiency at using the terminology and data sheets of the ICs.

To perform lab works the following power supply scheme is used:




It provides presence of 5V dc as output voltage at each working place. Such value of voltage is not dangerous for the human life, so laboratory installation has full correspondence to safety rules.


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