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The Man Who Escaped




Разработчик доцент А.А. ЗАВЬЯЛОВ




И методические рекомендации по ее выполнению

Для студентов 1-го курса заочного отделения

Тверь 2014

Задание 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Спишите и письменно переведите 2-й и 3-й разделы текста.


The Man Who Escaped

1. Baxter got into the car first. Halls was right behind him. “You drive. You know the area better than I do” Baxter said. They raced (понеслись) out of the town and into the dark countryside.

Ten minutes later, about three miles from the old lady's house, Baxter suddenly saw someone on the dark road ahead. “Look! There! ” he shouted. “There's someone on a bike! And look! He's going to get off! ” Halls saw the man quite clearly, but only for a second. As soon as the man saw they were in a police car, he dropped his bike and ran into the trees at the side of the road. “That's Coke! ” Baxter shouted. “He isn't going to get away (не уйдет) this time! ” Baxter jumped out of the car even before Halls stopped it, and ran after Coke. Halls jumped out, too. He didn't switch off the headlights.

2. All Coke's training as a soldier helped him now. Baxter was just behind him when Coke suddenly turned. Baxter tried to grab him but almost lost his balance. Then Coke hit him on the chin as hard as he could. Baxter fell to the ground heavily. At that moment Halls jumped on Coke from behind but Coke threw him over his back and against a tree and then ran back towards the road before Halls could get up. Even when he got up, he fell to the ground again. There was a terrible pain in his ribs. Coke saw the police car very clearly. The headlights were still on and the door was open. Coke jumped in. When Baxter and Halls came to themselves it was too late. Coke was gone and so was their car.

Coke drove for about twenty minutes. He felt nervous in the police car but he knew it was his only chance. Suddenly something on the road ahead attracted his attention. Two police cars were there, side by side, blocking the road. Nothing could get by them (проскочить мимо них)!

3. The two policemen at the road block were bored. Suddenly they saw a car coming towards them.


“It's a police car”, one of them said. “Perhaps they're bringing us some hot coffee, or something to eat». The car was still a good distance away. “Isn't it going to stop? ” “It doesn't look like it. Shall we stop it? Our orders are (У нас приказ) to stop every car”. Just then, they heard the two-tone sound of the horn. “Would you move the car out of the way, Bob, or shall I (или мне это сделать)? ” “But our orders were...” “You don’t think Coke's going to come through (проехать) here in a police car? ” The policemen hardly had time to move back their cars when Coke shot through (пролетел) the narrow gap and raced (помчался) along the road in the direction of London.

Задание 2. Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции.

Model: Brown [braun].

could; ground; heavily; moment; behind; towards; even; there; was; pain; saw; clearly; headlights; late; gone; their; car.


Задание 3. Перепишите слова из текста и подчеркните в

каждом из них ударный слог.

Model: be hind; bet ter; coun tryside.

Minutes; suddenly; someone; heavily; police; even; headlights;

almost; balance; towards; before; terrible; themselves; attracted;

attention; policemen; perhaps; distance; narrow; direction.


Задание 4. Одно слово в каждой группе (строке) имеет отличающееся от других произношение ударного гласного звука. Выпишите эти слова.

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