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Healthy Eating

pride, research, conclude, develop, ill, grow, danger, solve, care, difference, courage:

In the past, any mother would be … if her children were round and slightly fat. Those days are gone. … have now reached the … that too much fat and sugar in children’s diets are a major factor in the … of heart diseases and other … when they are older.

However, … children need to eat a wide range of foods, and their general health could be … by cutting our particular ones. Psychologists say that the … is not to change eating habits too fast, but to do it … so that children do not lose muscle in addition to fat. Parents should present food a little …, spread butter thinly and avoid putting sugar on the table. Children should also be … to take part in sports: this way they will be using the calories that they have eaten.



For each of the blanks supply only one suitable word:

Cooking is fun once you know how to do it. The easiest … to learn is to borrow … basic cookery books from the local library or from a friend and … experimenting. Spend a couple of hours reading through the … until you find one that you think sounds tasty.

… a list of the necessary ingredients and check the fridge and cupboards to … sure you have … you need. There is nothing worse … starting to cook a meal and then realizing you don’t have … essential like lemons or breadcrumbs. It is really … to check that you have all the basic equipment like cheese graters and knives as well. The recipes in most cookery books have been tested many … so the instructions … be accurate and clear. Read them through carefully and assemble all the things you … need. Another thing, … a lot of people forget unfortunately, is that cleaning up as you go along makes cooking easier. My mother; … was a superb cook, always said, “The best meals come from a tidy kitchen.”


Stage C


Read, memorize and perform the following jokes in class, then give your comments on them:


Swift, in traveling, called a hospitable house. The lady of the mansion, rejoiced to have so distinguished a guest, with great eagerness asked him what he would have for dinner. “Will you have an apple-pie, sir? Will you have a gooseberry-pie, sir? Will you have a cherry-pie, sir? Will you have a plum-pie, sir? ”

“Any pie, madam, but a mag-pie! ”


A farmer who went to a large city to see the sights engaged a room at a hotel and before retiring asked the clerk at what time the meals were served.

“We serve breakfast from 7 to 11, dinner from 12 to 3, and supper from 6 to 8, ” explained the clerk.

“Look here, ” asked the farmer in surprise, “What time am I going to see the town? ”


It was dinner time. A customer entered a restaurant and sat down at a table. He asked for the menu and said to the waiter. “Here is a sixpence for you, tell me what you can recommend me.”

The waiter leaned over and whispered: “I shall recommend you to go to another restaurant.”



Young wife: “Do you think I’m a good cook, darling? ”

Husband: “I think you’re perfect.”

Wife: “Which of my dishes do you like best? ”

Husband: “Tinned lobsters, my darling.”



“What’s the matter with you? ” the wife demanded. “Monday you liked beans, Tuesday you liked beans, Wednesday you liked beans, now Thursday, all of a sudden, you don’t like beans! ”



One day a mother said to her boy: “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” “Then, mother, let us eat the remainder of the plum-pudding today, ” answered the little boy.


Husband (angrily): “What! No supper ready? This is the limit! I’m going to a restaurant.”

Wife: “Wait just five minutes.”

Husband: “Will it be ready then? ”

Wife: “No, but then I’ll go with you.”



Customer: Waiter! What is this?

Waiter: It’s bean soup, sir.

Customer: No matter what it’s been. What is it now?!



The family sat down to their midday meal. Both Charlie and Jimmie were very fond of peaches. Now on the plate there was only one nice peach. Suddenly Charlie began to cry. His mother asked him what was the matter.

“I’m crying because I’m very sorry for Jimmie as there isn’t a peach for him”, came the reply.



A customer had ordered dinner at a restaurant and was waiting for it a very long time. When the waiter appeared at last, the customer said:

“Are you the waiter who took my order? ”

“Yes, sir, ” was the answer.

“H’m still looking well, I see, ” said the customer. “How are your grandchildren? ”



Young husband: This meat is not cooked, nor is the pie!

Young wife: I did it like the cookery-book says but as the recipe was for four people and we are two I took half of everything and cooked it for half the time it said.



The last day of the criminal condemned to death came. He was awakened and asked what he would like for breakfast. He was told he could have anything he liked.

“Well, ” said he, “I think I should like to have some peaches or strawberries.”

“You know it’s winter now and there are no peaches or strawberries.”

“Never mind, ” said the criminal. “I can wait.”



The starters on the dinner menu at our hotel deep in the Forest of Dean included my favourite dish – moules marinieres.

They were delicious but I was intrigued by their size. “Where did you get those lovely big mussels? ” I asked our waitress.

“Horse riding, ” she replied.


A rich gentleman, walking in his garden before breakfast, met a poor man whom he knew.

“Good morning, sir, ” said the poor man, “you have come out very early this morning.”

“I came out to see if I could get an appetite for breakfast. But what are you doing here? ” the gentleman asked suspiciously.

“You see, sir, ” answered the poor man, “I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite.”



“Why did you give a meal to that tramp? He hadn’t done any work for you, had he? ”

“No, he hadn’t. but it was a pleasure to see a man eat a meal without finding fault with the cook.”



Husband: Only bread and cheese for dinner today?

Wife (with a sigh): I’m afraid there’s nothing else. You see, the cutlets caught fire and so did the pie and I had to use the soup to put the fire out.


Render in English:


1. В котором часу обычно обедает ваша семья? 2. Что у нас сегодня на ужин? 3. Вы сейчас обедаете? Тогда я позвоню вам через четверть часа. 4. Почему ты ставишь так мало тарелок на стол? Сегодня нас пятеро. Дедушка приезжает, ты знаешь? 5. Мне приготовить обед к четырем часам? 6. Попробуй кашу. Кажется ты ее не досолила. 7. Купить овощи и фрукты? 8. Почему вы так поздно завтракаете? 9. Он всегда ужинает дома? 10. Мне бы хотелось еще молока. 11. Мне хочется пить. Давай возьмем бутылку минеральной воды. 12. Они с Уолтером были приглашены на обед. 13. Во время завтрака Сара не сказала ни слова. 14. Они вернулись домой только к девяти часам и съели легкий ужин. 15. Я угощу вас здешним обедом. Моя жена прекрасно готовит. 16. Вот и они. Как раз вовремя к чаю. 17. За обедом они разговаривали о свадьбе. 18. Когда все уселись пить чай, Марч сказала, что у нее есть сюрприз. 19. Мы вошли в комнату, где были накрыты столы для завтрака. 20. Я угощу вас наилучшим ужином, который вы можете получить в этом городе.


21. На завтрак подали кукурузные хлопья с молоком. 22. Невозможно представить английский завтрак без тостов. 23. Ничего нет вкуснее земляники со сливками! 24. Бифштекс вкусный? – По-моему он не дожарен немного. – А мне кажется, он как раз такой, как надо. 25. Вы любите жареный картофель? – Обожаю, только не могу позволить себе есть его каждый день, так как я на диете. 26. Что желаете на второе? – Какое-нибудь рыбное блюдо. Что бы вы мне порекомендовали? 27. Регулярное питание полезно для здоровья. 28. Сегодня в меню есть мясные блюда, тушеные овощи, сладкий пудинг, разные закуски и даже мороженое с шоколадом на десерт. 29. Сколько вам кусочков сахара? – Два, пожалуйста. 30. Вы какой любите чай: крепкий или слабый? – Не очень крепкий, пожалуйста. 31. Тебе намазать хлеб маслом? – Да, и вареньем. 32. У нас сегодня был легкий завтрак, и после прогулки мы проголодались. 33. Он наскоро поужинал и принялся за работу. 34. Почему она любит консервированные ананасы больше, чем свежие? – Не знаю, спроси ее сам. 35. Мы часто угощаем гостей яблочным пирогом. Мама готовит его великолепно. 36. Почему бы нам не пойти в этот ресторан? Там всегда большой выбор горячих блюд. 37. Официант! Меню, пожалуйста. 38. Что вы можете порекомендовать мне из мясных блюд? 39. Что вам подать в качестве гарнира? – Немного картофеля, капусты и тушеной моркови. 40. Если вы хотите пообедать в этом ресторане, следует заранее заказать столик. 41. Отбивная была необыкновенно вкусной. Все было хорошо приготовлено, спасибо. 42. Чем вас угостить? Попробуйте салат. – Спасибо, я его уже ел. Очень вкусно. – Разрешите тогда предложить вам ветчину и сыр. – С удовольствием возьму кусочек ветчины с горчицей.


Render in English the gist of the extracts from the book “The Xenophobe’s Guide to the English” by A. Miall and D. Milsted. Avoid a word-for-word translation:

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